POSIX定时器提供的定时器API如下: int timer_create(clockid_t clock_id, struct sigevent *evp, timer_t *timerid); int timer_settime(timer_t timerid, int flags, const struct itimerspec *value, struct itimerspect *ovalue); int timer_gettime(timer_t timerid,struct itimerspec *value); in...
I have a requirement to set more than one interval-timers (alarms of same type : ITIMER_REAL) in the same process. so I used setitimer() system call to create 3 alarms with each timer having separate structures to hold time interval values. when any timer expires it will give a...
pthread_t fd; pthread_create(&fd,NULL,func,NULL); while(1) { sleep(20); } return0; }
1105 ret等于OsTimerCreate(CLOCK_REALTIME, NULL, & timerID) 1106 如果ret不等于LOS_OK则 1107 返回:ret 1114 拿到调度自旋锁(intSave) 1115 如果ITimer 恒等于最大支持的软件定时器数量则1116 ITimer 等于timerID 1117 释放调度自旋锁(intSave) ...
deepeshp(8) I created setitimer in loop for create timer for every interval.After long running that is automaticaly going out of the loop. int timeOutSec = ZERO; int timeOutMsec = ZERO; int timerResult = ZERO; struct sigaction sigact; ...