Remove the Default ACL. If no Default ACL exists, no warnings are issued. -R, --recursive Apply operations to all files and directories recursively. This option cannot be mixed with `--restore'. - If the file name parameter is a single dash, setfacl reads a list of files from standard...
recursively set the ACLs of all files and subdirectories in the current directory, skipping all symlinks encountered, to the ACL contained in thespec_filenamed `newacl.txt': $ nfs4_setfacl -R -P -S newacl.txt * - delete the first ACE, but only print the resulting ACL (does not save...
sions. The -x (--remove) and -X (--remove-file) options remove ACL entries. It is not an error to remove an entry which does not exist. Only ACL entries without the perms field are accepted as parameters, unless POSIXLY_CORRECT is defined. When reading from files using the -M, and...
-R, --recursive Apply operations to all files and directories recursively. This option cannot be mixed with "--restore". -L, --logical "Logical walk": follow symbolic links to directories. The default behavior is to follow symbolic link arguments, and skip symbolic links encountered in subdir...
ACLs are listed.-R,--recursiveApply operations to all files and directories recursively. This option cannot be mixed with ‘--restore’.-L,--logicalLogical walk, follow symbolic links. The default behavior is to follow symbolic link arguments, and to skip symbolic links encoun- ...
Apply operations to all files and directories recursively. This option cannot be mixed with ‘--restore’. -L, --logical Logical walk, follow symbolic links. The default behavior is to follow symbolic link arguments, and to skip symbolic links encountered in subdirectories. This option cannot...