if [ ! -e "$AOSP_TOOLCHAIN_PATH/$CC" ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to find Android gcc. Please edit this script." [ "$0" = "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" ] && exit 1 || return 1 fi if [ ! -e "$AOSP_TOOLCHAIN_PATH/$CXX" ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to find Android g++....
if [ ! -e "$AOSP_TOOLCHAIN_PATH/$CC" ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to find Android gcc. Please edit this script." [ "$0" = "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" ] && exit 1 || return 1 fi if [ ! -e "$AOSP_TOOLCHAIN_PATH/$CXX" ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to find Android g++....
gcc(1) gcore(1) gcov(1) gd2copypal(1) gd2time(1) gd2togif(1) gd2topng(1) gdb(1) gdcmpgif(1) gdiffmk(1) gdparttopng(1) gdtopng(1) gem(1) gem_mirror(1) gem_server(1) gemlock(1) gemri(1) gemwhich(1) gencat(1) geniconvtbl(1) genmsg(1) geqn(1) get(1) getafm...
msgcc(1) msgcmp(1) msgcomm(1) msgconv(1) msgcpp(1) msgcvt(1) msgen(1) msgexec(1) msgfilter(1) msgfmt(1) msgfmt(1g) msggen(1) msgget(1) msggrep(1) msginit(1) msgmerge(1) msgunfmt(1) msguniq(1) msql2mysql(1) mt(1) multixterm(1) mutt(1) muttbug(1) mv(1) mv(1g...
gcc是GNU的项目,clang是chris lattner的杰作 LLVM-GCC: GCC使用GCC前端来对程序进行语义分析产生IF(Intermidiate Format),然后LLVM使用分析结果完成代码优化和生成 由于GCC的模块程度低又不满足apple的obective-c的新特性的需求,越往后提交的code质量越差,导致apple独立开发编译器 clang编译快速,占内存少,代码质量.....
unset CPP CC CXX LD AS AR RANLIB STRIP # Similar to a "make clean" if [ x"${1-}" = "xunset" ]; then echo "Unsetting script variables. PATH may remain tainted" [ "$0" = "$BASH_SOURCE" ] && exit 0 || return 0 fi # Set AOSP_TOOLCHAIN_SUFFIX to your preference of tools ...
setenv-android-gcc.sh setenv-embedded.sh setenv-ios.sh sha-simd.cpp sha.cpp sha.h sha3.cpp sha3.h shacal2-simd.cpp shacal2.cpp shacal2.h shark.cpp shark.h sharkbox.cpp simon-simd.cpp simon.cpp simon.h simple.cpp simple.h siphash.h skipjack.cpp skipjack.h sm3.cpp sm3.h sm4...
make HOSTCC=<your CC cross-compiler> env in the root directory of the U-Boot distribution. For example, make HOSTCC=arm-linux-gcc env Though I used a different procedure for generating the fw_printenv, I hope the below steps may give you some idea (below steps are in L...
if [ ! -e "$AOSP_TOOLCHAIN_PATH/$CC" ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to find Android gcc. Please edit this script." [ "$0" = "$BASH_SOURCE" ] && exit 1 || return 1 fi if [ ! -e "$AOSP_TOOLCHAIN_PATH/$CXX" ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to find Android g++. Please ...