ruff check --extend-select=PT --config 'lint.flake8-pytest-style="csv"' which resulted in the error: error: invalid value 'lint.flake8-pytest-style="csv"' for '--config <CONFIG_OPTION>' tip: A `--config` flag must either be a path to a `.toml` configuration file or a TOML ...
While using GDALHelpers::WktFromEPSG on a Windows system I discovered that it seems like CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA", "C:/Path/to/Project/Binaries/Data/GDAL"); does not enable GDAL to find the necessary gcs.csv file. The file is where...
相关推荐 1AllRegister()是什么意思啊?Gdal.AllRegister();OSGeo.GDAL.Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8","YES"); 2 AllRegister()是什么意思啊? Gdal.AllRegister(); OSGeo.GDAL.Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8","YES"); ...
from osgeo import gdal, ogr import numpy as np ogr.UseExceptions() gdal.UseExceptions() gdal.SetConfigOption("SHAPE_RESTORE_SHX", "YES") def calculate_slope_and_flow_direction(dem): # 计算坡度和流向 x, y = np.gradient(dem) slope = np.sqrt(x*... 这段代码使用了osgeo库来处理地理空...
Re: veeam warning setvmcustomconfigoption failed Postbyaidechoute»Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:04 pm It's U3a But when i'm checking log files i see that i don't have the permissions on "Advanced options" I check this option in vcenter role: Virtual Machine/Change Configuration and it's wo...
* ERROR: gnu-config-native-20150728+gitAUTOINC+b576fa87c1-r0 do_unpack: Function failed: Fetcher failure: Fetch command failed with exit code 128, output: fatal: the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or '--set-upstream-to' instead. ...
pyqtgraph.setConfigOption('foreground','k') self.vna_idx =1super(PyVNA, self).__init__() icopath ="./Akela Logo.ico"# Icon isn't on current path, and we're running in a frozen context,# so therefore look for the icon at the frozen location.ifnotos.path.exists(icopath)andgetatt...
{CPLSetConfigOption(parameter.toLatin1().constData(),nullptr); } } applied_parameters.swap(new_parameters); dirty =false; } 開發者ID:sembruk,項目名稱:mapper,代碼行數:53,代碼來源:gdal_manager.cpp 示例5: wxString ▲點讚 1▼ boolwxGISApplicationEx::SetupSys(constwxString &sSysPath) ...
类名称:ZLIntegerOption 方法名:setConfigValue ZLIntegerOption.setConfigValue介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: Jiangzqts/EpubRead publicvoidsetValue(intvalue){ myValue=value; myStringValue=String.valueOf(value); setConfigValue(myStringValue); ...
这段代码使用了osgeo库来处理地理空间数据,实现了基于DEM数据的坡度计算、流向计算、河网提取以及流域范围内河网的分析。具体的功能如下: calculate_slope_and_flow_direction(dem): 计算输入DEM数据的坡度和流向。 extract_river_network(slope, threshold_percentile=90): 基于给定的阈值百分位数,提取河网。