Redescription of the circumglobal deepwater scorpionfishSetarches guentheri(Setarchidae)Setarches longimanusTaxonomyMorphologyDescriptionRange extensionSetarches guentheriJohnson1862andSetarches longimanus(Alcock1894) are similar to each other in sharing III, 4-6 (usually 5) anal-fin rays, a moderately ...
Lythrichthys Jordan and Starks 1904 (Setarchidae), previously regarded as a junior synonym of Setarches Johnson 1862, is recognized as valid, despite sharing some diagnostic characters with the latter, both genera differing from others in the family in having III, 4–6 (usually 5) anal-fin ...
first occurrencenorth-eastern AtlanticSetarches guentheriSetarchidaeThe scorpionfish Setarches guentheri (Scorpaeniformes: Setarchidae) usually dwells offshore, in soft bottomdeep areas at depths of about 150 to 780 m and at bottom temperature range of 5.5掳C-12.5掳C. This species has the widest...
Redescription of the circumglobal deepwater scorpionfish Setarches guentheri (Setarchidae)Setarches longimanusTaxonomyMorphologyDescriptionRange extensionSetarches guentheri Johnson 1862 and Setarches longimanus (Alcock 1894) are similar to each other in sharing III, 4–6 (usually 5) anal-fin rays, a...
Pelagic observations of the midwater scorpionfish Ectreposebastes imus (Setarchidae) suggests a role in trophic coupling between deep‐sea habitatsbehaviourCabo Verdeeastern tropical Atlanticin situ observationsScorpaeniformessubmersiblevertical migrationDuring pelagic video transects off Santo Ant?o, Cabo ...