ax.set_yticklabels(['Label-1', 'Label-2', 'Label-3'],fontsize=20 )# Add fig titlefig.suptitle('set_yticklabels fontsize Example', fontweight ="bold")# In the above example, we set text labels at the y-axis by using theset_yticklabelsmethod, and thefontsize...
1)yticks=['init','full :D','satisfied :)','hungry :(','starving :((','rawr','hunt >:D','desparate hunt!','dead...']ax.set_yticklabels(yticks)ax.imshow(res,cmap='hot',interpolation='nearest',aspect="equal"
在右侧设置默认的y轴刻度标签 我们可以使用rcParams["ytick.labelright"](默认为False)和rcParams["ytick.right"](默认为False)和rcParams["ytick.labelleft"](默认为True)和 rcParams["ytick.left"](默认为True)控制轴上的刻度和标签出现的位置。这些属性也可以在.matplotlib / matplotlibrc中设置。 import ...
position with the left ticks) ylim2 = ax.get_ylim() print(ax.get_ylim()) ax2.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()) def tick_function(r): return r**2 + 0.123 # 10.46*(p**1.68) ax2.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks()[:-1]) ax2.set_yticklabels(tick_function(ax.get_yticks()[:-1])) ##...
I used the following code to create a bar plot and then to change the yticklabel names. But I noticed in R2014b version, By default the yticklabels are assigned with "interpreter" as "tex". And also in previous versions the "interpreter" is s...
How can I set the Xtick / Ytick labels of my... Learn more about xticklabel, yticklabel, interpreter MATLAB