defset_qos(self,qos):""" set publisher quality of service:param qos: 0 = default, 1 = best effort, 2 = reliable:type qos: int"""returnself.c_publisher.set_qos(qos) it seems thatself.c_publisher.set_qos(qos)should be fixed asself.c_publisher.set_qos_reliability(qos), I also noti...
SetQOS方法设置调用的服务级别的质量。 语法 C++ HRESULTSetQOS( [in]longlMediaType, [in] QOS_SERVICE_LEVEL ServiceLevel ); 参数 [in] lMediaType 呼叫的媒体类型。 [in] ServiceLevel QOS_SERVICE_LEVEL调用所需的 QOS 级别的指示器。 返回值 ...
tadm set-qos-prop common_options --config=config_name (property_name=property_value)+ DescriptionUse this command to set the quality of service (QoS) settings for a configuration.OptionsFor information about common_options, run the help command.--config|-c Specify the name of the configuration...
set qos sqid-bind-relation aging disable命令用来去使能SQ ID绑定关系表老化功能。 undo set qos sqid-bind-relation aging disable命令用来使能SQ ID绑定关系表老化功能。 缺省情况下,开启SQ ID绑定关系表老化功能。 命令格式 set qos sqid-bind-relation aging disable undo set qos sqid-bind-relation aging di...
set-qos-prop(1)NAME | Synopsis | Description | Options | Operands | Examples | Exit Status | See Also NAMEset-qos-prop – edits the QOS propertiesSynopsisset-qos-prop <connect_options> [--echo|-e] [--no-prompt|-Q] [--verbose|-v] --config|-c config-name (propertyname=value)+ ...
Create a QoS policy Next steps This article describes how to set up quality-of-service (QoS) policies to control IOPS for a scale-out file server (SOFS) in the System Center - Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) fabric.Before you startYou can verify the status of currently defined QoS policies...
postddp set qos Function The postddp set qos command is used to set the flow control for background tasks of similarity-based deduplication. Format postddp set qos Parameters Parameter Description Value qosType Select the type of the background deduplication task. background tasks of similar...
@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ typedef cpuset_t cpu_set_t; #endif #endif #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_SET_QOS_CLASS_SELF_NP) #include <pthread/qos.h> static zend_class_entry *QosClass_ce; #endif #ifdef HAVE_PIDFD_OPEN #include <sys/syscall.h> #endif @@ -65,10 +70,11 @@ typedef cpuset...
qos_descriptor (Output) Optional Pointer to an integer where the value of the descriptor that the application can wait on for RSVP events is stored. this value is set to NULL if it is not used. Authorities Return Values Error Conditions ...
qos_descriptor (Output) Optional Pointer to an integer where the value of the descriptor that the application can wait on for RSVP events is stored. this value is set to NULL if it is not used.AuthoritiesNone.Return Values0 if successful. -1 if function failed. Errno indicates error reaso...