# 需要导入模块: from ftplib import FTP_TLS [as 别名]# 或者: from ftplib.FTP_TLS importset_pasv[as 别名]defPush( FtpServer, Username, Password, uploadlist = FilesToPut, port =21, passive = False, StartTls = False, Sftp = False ):print"Login to %s:%s using %s:%s (%s%s)"%(Ftp...
This is an EPSV response, so the error message is trivially correct: it is definitely not a valid PASV response. However, I have not set "DataConnectionType", so presumably it should be set to the default AutoPassive setting. Judging from the FtpClient.cs code, it should not even be ...
550 Passive mode not allowed on this server ---Passive mode是被动FTP传输模式,说明该服务器不允许用被动ftp传输模式。你可以在浏览器里面如下更改一下,工具》选项》高级,然后下拉菜单,找到“被动ftp传输”的选项,然后将其前面的 钩 去掉,然后确认,重新打开浏览器。再传输一次。如果使用ftp客户...
那年的今天感觉还是萌娃,现在已经背着书包上学堂了,我们真的老了#这就是我的家 那年的今天感觉还是萌娃,现在已经背着书包上学堂了,我们真的老了#这就是我的家 10 跟三姐学山歌,准备去对山歌#一代人的回忆 #刘三姐老电影 跟三姐学山歌,准备去对山歌#一代人的回忆 #刘三姐老电影 19 省钱买大车🚌🚌#味道...
ftp.set_pasv(True) ftp.connect(server['host'], server['port']) ftp.login(server['user'],server['pwd']) ftp.cwd(server['remote_dir'])fornameinadds:ifnotname.startswith('hide_'): dir = os.path.split(name)[0]ifdir:try: ftp.mkd(dir)except:passwithopen(os.path.join(root,name),...