to_show = dfelse:raiseValueError('n argument "%s" not recognised.'% str(n))defresize_by_window_size(df, window):df['l'] = df['l'].str.slice(start=-window, stop=None) df['l'] = df['l'].str.rjust(window) df['r'] = df['r'].str.slice(start =0, stop = window) df[...
defconfigure_first(root_pass="stackops"):"""Generate mysql configuration. Execute on both servers"""__configure_ubuntu_packages(root_pass) stop()# sudo('echo "manual" >> /etc/init/mysql.override')sudo("echo '[mysql]' >> /etc/mysql/conf.d/mariadb.cnf") utils.set_option("/etc/mysql...
StopRestoreOption StringLiteral SubqueryComparisonPredicate SubqueryComparisonPredicateType SymmetricKeyStatement SystemTimePeriodDefinition SystemVersioningTableOption TableClusteredIndexType TableDataCompressionOption TableDefinition TableDistributionOption TableDistributionPolicy TableElementType TableHash...
is following a referral returned by the initial LDAP server. If a rebind routine is not defined, referrals are followed using an anonymous bind. For more information about the rebind routine, seeRebinding while following referrals. SpecifyNULLfor the rebind function to stop using a rebind routine...
in a Web page during replay. Set to "No" to stop. This option gives you the opportunity to override the Browser Emulation option in the Vuser's Run–Time Settings,Download non–HTML Resources. This option can help when debugging. At certain points in the code you may want to stop downlo...
Set-ScheduledJobOption [-InputObject] <ScheduledJobOptions> [-PassThru] [-RunElevated] [-HideInTaskScheduler] [-RestartOnIdleResume] [-MultipleInstancePolicy <TaskMultipleInstancePolicy>] [-DoNotAllowDemandStart] [-RequireNetwork] [-StopIfGoingOffIdle] [-WakeToRun] [-ContinueIfGoingOnBattery] [...
Solved: My query is taking more time to refresh and when i refresh im getting command timeout error . So i need to set command timeout option in
().Password } | ConvertTo-Json $session = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://$iloboard/redfish/v1/Sessions" -Method Post -Body $bodycred -ContentType "application/json" -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop $AuthHeaders = @{ "X-Auth-Token" = $Session.Headers.'X-Auth-Token' }...
setIgnoreKillProcess(false);//可选,默认true,定位SDK内部是一个SERVICE,并放到了独立进程,设置是否在stop的时候杀死这个进程,默认不杀死 option.SetIgnoreCacheException(true);//可选,默认false,设置是否收集CRASH信息,默认收集 option.setEnableSimulateGps(false);//可选,默认false,设置是否需要过滤g...
pattern = { "tabstop", "shiftwidth", "expandtab", "number", "relativenumber" }, }) api.nvim_create_autocmd( { "CursorMoved", "BufWinEnter", "InsertEnter", "InsertLeave", "FileType" }, { group = group, callback = check_options } { group = group, callback = check_options_debou...