The false path information always takes precedence over multiple cycle path information and overrides maximum delay constraints. If more than one object is specified within one -through option, the path can pass through any objects. Examples
Three examples: # Cut timing from an input port to all of its destinations: set_false_path -from [get_ports reset_button] # Cut timing from a mode_select register, which is static in the design, to all of its destinations: set_false_path -from [get_keepers *|mode_selec...
In this Timing Analyzer example, learn how to use the set_false_path command to specify your design's false paths (i.e., paths that can be ignored during timing analysis).
Following the examples at the above link, it appears that set_clock_groups constraint works; timing was met, with no warnings issued in regards that constraint, and Timing Analyzer - Ignored Constraints was empty. I have one other CDC issue involving the incoming (from the board) RESET si...
Advanced Timing Exceptions Clock Group Constraints Learn Xilinx recommendations for constraining clock group exceptions; specifically in detail what these constraints are and also see a few examples. Understand and apply the clock group exception constraints in your design. ...
Recruiterssaythatcandidateswhocangiveexamplesofworktheyhavedoneasmembersofasuccessfulteamareinasstrongapositionasthosewhocanpointtosignificantindividualachievement.Indeed,toomuchofthelattermaysuggestthatthepersonconcernedisnota'teamplayer'-oneofthemoreseriousfailingsinthebookofmanagement. Theimportanceofbeingateamplayer...