raw->SetTDCValue(n,TDC_value_import[n]); }for(inti=0;i<QDCsize;i++)raw->SetQDCValue(i,QDC_import[i]);returnraw; } 开发者ID:neveling,项目名称:k600analyser-1,代码行数:21,代码来源:RawData.c 注:RawData::SetADCChannel方法License...
CHANNEL SWITCHING DEVICE FOR CORDLESS TELEPHONE SETPURPOSE: To provide a function for making a speech channel of a slave set match a speech channel of a host set when channel deviation between the host set and the slave set takes place.HAMAZAWA YOSHINORI...
Ramalan Cuaca Setempat Setiap Jam, keadaan cuaca, kerpasan, takat embun, kelembapan, angin daripada Weather.com dan The Weather Channel
PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Mariners should alter plans to avoid these hazardous conditions. Remain in port, seek safe harbor, alter course, and/or secure the vessel for hazardous conditions.Tutka NowMeidän evästeemme. Sinun valintasi. Weather Channel k...
HomeVideo ChannelWhat is Recyclable Makeup Brush Set for Beauty Enthusiasts Eco-Friendly Makeup Brush Set US$0.32-2.45 / Piece View \ \ \ \ \ \ Recommend for you What is 5pices Cosmetic Brushes Set Eyebrow Powder Lip Color Brush Kit ...
徐峥近照生图曝光 发胖明显体型圆润 关注 赞 评论 新华社消息|2024年前11月支持科技创新和制造业减税降费及退税约2.3万亿元 多名中国公民在日本滑雪遭遇意外,使馆提醒 1月6日(采访),#中国小伙转四趟飞机到挪威以为是春运 神秘北极圈中国人含量超标 生活奇奇怪怪,小猫可可爱爱[老师爱你]一方水土养一方喵,来看看有...
CALL CHANNEL SETTING METHOD OF RADIO TELEPHONE SETPURPOSE: To use a radio telephone set even when two radio telephone sets are used at a near distance by deciding whether or not a special channel is used and setting a call channel.KIRIYAMA YUKIMUNE...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To reduce the time required for channel scanning by storing the history of base stations with which a mobile set made communication in the past and applying scanning processing to channels of the base stations, which are stored in a base station history storage means in ...
Ramalan Cuaca Setempat Setiap Jam, keadaan cuaca, kerpasan, takat embun, kelembapan, angin daripada Weather.com dan The Weather Channel