odacli-adm set-credential --password password --username user name [-j] [-h] ParametersParameterDescription password Password required to access the Oracle Appliance Manager Web Console. The default password is welcome1. username User name required to access the Oracle Appliance Manager Web ...
ICertRequest3::SetCredential 方法 (certcli.h) Learn 登录 此主题的部分內容可能由机器或 AI 翻译。 消除警报 安全和标识 Accctrl.h Aclapi.h Aclui.h Adtgen.h Authz.h Azroles.h Bcrypt.h Casetup.h Ccgplugins.h Celib.h Certadm.h Certbcli.h...
Sets the credential for an authenticated identity.c++ 复制 HRESULT SetCredential ( IN PassportIdentityHandle hIdentity, IN LPCWSTR wszCredType, IN LPCWSTR wszCredValue ); ParametershIdentityThe identity handle for which the credential is set....
SetCredential 方法设置用于 (CEP) 服务器联系证书注册策略的凭据。 语法 C++ 复制 HRESULT SetCredential( [in] LONG hWndParent, [in] X509EnrollmentAuthFlags flag, [in] BSTR strCredential, [in] BSTR strPassword ); 参数 [in] hWndParent 父窗口句柄。 [in] flag 指定身份验证类型的 X509Enr...
SetCredentials(IServiceProvider, Boolean, EventHandler) 建立CredentialInfo 物件,其中包含使用者名稱和密碼,並使用 [說明] 對話方塊的指定事件處理常式委派。 C# 複製 public Microsoft.Web.Management.Client.CredentialInfo SetCredentials (IServiceProvider serviceProvider, bool verifyValidWindowsUser...
Set-AWSCredential -StoreAs <String> -Scope <VariableScope> Description Saves AWS credentials to persistent store (-StoreAs) or temporarily for the shell using shell variable $StoredAWSCredentials. Note: For scripts written against earlier versions of this module this cmdlet can also be invoked with...
axios读不到Set-Cookie withCredential实现方法 1. 整体流程 为了实现"axios读不到Set-Cookie withCredential"的功能,我们需要按照以下步骤进行操作: 下面我们将逐步详细介绍每一步需要进行的操作。 2. 创建axios实例 首先,我们需要创建一个axios实例。axios是一个基于Promise的HTTP客户端,可以用于发送HTTP请求。我们可以...
HRESULTSetSelected( [out] BOOL *pbAutoLogon ); 参数 [out] pbAutoLogon 类型:BOOL* 此方法返回时,如果选择凭据指示它应立即自动尝试登录,则包含TRUE,否则为 FALSE。 例如,枚举没有密码的帐户的凭据提供程序可能希望将其返回为 true。 返回值 类型:HRESULT ...
public void SetCertificate (string subjectName); Parameters subjectName String Subject distinguished name. Examples The following code shows how to use this method to set a certificate for a service credential from a subject name. C# Copy NetTcpBinding b = new NetTcpBinding(); b.Security.Mod...
A set of Git credential helpers (gnome-keyring, osxkeychain, generic implementation) to be contributed to Git at some appropriate time in the future - pah/git-credential-helper