AMESim软件安装问题Unable to set up your AMESim home directory~~~,用户名改为英文 图1-软件安装后如图弹窗 百度贴吧看到的回答 发现自己的用户名是中文,改成英文就好了。 修改方法如下链接:【如何修改Windows系统中文账号名为英文,解决游戏报错问题-哔哩哔哩】
SetHomeDirectory方法设置类的TerminalServicesHomeDirectory属性。 语法 托管对象格式 uint32 SetHomeDirectory( [in] string HomeDirectory ); 参数 HomeDirectory[in] TerminalServicesHomeDirectory属性的新值,用于指定计算机的根目录。 返回值 成功时返回成功;否则,返回 WMI 错误代码。 有关 WMI 错误代码的列表,请...
打开命令行界面(如Windows的命令提示符或Linux的终端),然后输入以下命令: export MAVEN_HOME=/path/to/your/maven/installation export PATH=$PATH:$MAVEN_HOME/bin 将/path/to/your/maven/installation替换为您实际的Maven安装路径。然后按Enter键执行这些命令。这将设置环境变量MAVEN_HOME和PATH,使系统能够找到Maven...
PCHAR IMAGEAPISymSetHomeDirectory( [in] HANDLE hProcess, [in, optional] PCSTR dir ); 参数 [in] hProcess 进程的句柄。 此句柄必须以前传递给SymInitialize函数。 [in, optional] dir 主目录。 此目录必须是可写目录,否则主目录是使用CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA指定的通用应用程序目录。 如果此参数为NULL,则该...
The HomePhone parameter specifies the user's home telephone number. Expand table Type: String Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exchange ...
As shown in Figure 2-9, select the Shared folders menu, click Add to set the SFTP working directory on the PC to D:\ztp, click Set as home dir, and then click OK to close the dialog box. Figure 2-9 Configuring the file server Configure the IP address and gateway of the file serv...
If else checking existence of homeDirectory in AD If File exists then copy it script powershell If is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet? if not contains If statement based on day of the week evaluating despite being false If Test-Connection do these action else exit. If variable is...
[-HomeDirectory <string>] [-HomeDrive <string>] [-HomePage <string>] [-HomePhone <string>] [-Initials <string>] [-LogonWorkstations <string>] [-Manager <ADUser>] [-MobilePhone <string>] [-Office <string>] [-OfficePhone <string>] [-Organization <string>] [-OtherName <string>] [...
In your home directory, you will have.ovpnfiles. These are the client configuration files. Download them from your server and connect using your favorite OpenVPN client. If you have any question, head to theFAQfirst. Please read everything before opening an issue. ...
To set up the second file, place it in your home directory on your development machine and include all of your registry credentials. By using this approach, the npm client can easily retrieve your credentials for authentication, allowing you to share your configuration file while keeping your ...