设置当前系统时间和日期。 系统时间以协调世界时 (UTC) 表示。 语法 C++ BOOLSetSystemTime( [in]constSYSTEMTIME *lpSystemTime ); 参数 [in] lpSystemTime 指向包含新系统日期和时间的SYSTEMTIME结构的指针。 将忽略SYSTEMTIME结构的wDayOfWeek成员。 返回值 ...
public static void SetLastAccessTimeUtc (string path, DateTime lastAccessTimeUtc); 参数 path String 要设置其访问日期和时间信息的文件或目录。 lastAccessTimeUtc DateTime 一个对象,它包含要为 path 的访问日期和时间设置的值。 该值用 UTC 时间表示。 例外 FileNotFoundException 未找到指定路径。 ArgumentEx...
步骤一 - 设置Windows系统时区: 打开控制面板,选择“时钟和区域”; #打开控制面板control panel#选择"时钟和区域"select "clock and region" 1. 2. 3. 4. 在时区设置中,选择“更改时区”,将时区设置为UTC+8; #更改时区为UTC+8change timezone to UTC+8 1. 2. 步骤二 - 在OpenStack服务器中设置时区差...
To set dates for when your trial should be offered to customers on Windows 10 or Windows 11, change theStarts onand/orEnds ondropdown toat, then choose the date and time. If you do so, you can either chooseUTCso that the time you select will be Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) time...
此软件更新的英语 (美国) 版本将安装具有下表所列属性的文件。日期和为这些文件的时间以协调世界时 (UTC) 列出。请注意在您的本地计算机上这些文件的日期和时间将显示在您的本地时间,加上当前夏时制偏差。您执行某些操作,日期和时间也可能更改。 受邀免费试用 Micros...
Versiunea în limba engleză (Statele Unite) a acestei actualizări software instalează fișierele care au atributele enumerate în tabelele următoare. Datele şi orele acestor fişiere sunt exprimate în ...
SetTimeZoneInformation (Windows CE 5.0) Article 09/14/2012 Send FeedbackThis function sets the current time-zone parameters. These parameters control translations from UTC to local time.Copy BOOLSetTimeZoneInformation(constTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION* lpTimeZoneInformation ); ...
Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 4/8/2010 This function sets the current time-zone parameters. These parameters control translations from UTC to local time. Syntax BOOL SetTimeZoneInformation( const TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION* lpTimeZoneInformation ); ...
Questo cmdlet è disponibile solo nella piattaforma Windows.Il Set-TimeZone cmdlet imposta il fuso orario di sistema su un fuso orario specificato.EsempioEsempio 1: Impostare il fuso orario in base all'IDIn questo esempio il fuso orario nel computer locale viene impostato su UTC.PowerShell...
This example represents Monday, April 17, 2006 at 2:22:48 PM UTC. "2006-04-17T14:22:48.0000000"The following example shows how to set this parameter to the date May 1, 2012 at 5 PM. -AccountExpirationDate "05/01/2012 5:00:00 PM"Default Value: **...