这是我的actionscript: stop(); setInterval(wait, 10000); function wait(){ gotoAndPlay(1); } 这是我将电影嵌入到html页面的javascipt:
Number of milliseconds to wait before executing. Default value is 0. param1, param2, ...Optional. Parameters to pass to thefunction. Not supported in IE9 and earlier. Return Value TypeDescription A numberThe id of the timer. Use this id with clearTimeout(id) to cancel the timer. ...
And very often mobile websites have filter, search and other controle elements in header. Visitor will wait or need to touch/scroll to see the elements. Not good UX and visitor dont understand why... Or they wait, wait, wait... most of all js Delay Plugins already support fallback/...
However, you can also provide an async function (or a function returning a promise), which has the added nicety that now you can wait until the cycle is fully stopped before moving on by usingclearIntervalAsync. const{setIntervalAsync,clearIntervalAsync}=require('set-interval-async');consttime...
-qps rate Total Queries Per Seconds across all connections/threads or 0 for no wait/max qps -nocatchup Do not try to reach the target qps by going faster when the service falls behind and then recovers. Makes QPS an absolute ceiling even if the service has some spikes in latency, fortio...
函数的DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH事件的处理代码,如需要完整的处理其他事件, 如 DLL_PROCESS_DETACH,DLL_THREAD_ATTACH, DLL_THREAD_DETACH,...,这样会导致卡死 DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: StopMyThreadsAndWaitEnd(); // 停止并等待线程结束(或直接结束进程),这样会导致卡死...,任何启动的线程都会由于LdrLoadDll中的LdrpLoa...
// This happens if there are more timers scheduled for later in the list. if (diff < msecs) { list.expiry = MathMax(timer._idleStart + msecs, now + 1); list.id = timerListId++; timerListQueue.percolateDown(1); // 重排优先队列 debug('%d list wait because diff is %d', msecs...
In the code below, we use methods to implement the 'settimeout' function to wait for the result for one second. You can use the 'tryit' editor to edit and customize the code.Vue Delay Function Example 1 2 const app = Vue.createApp({ 3 data() { 4 return { 5 result: ""...
Partial support Partial support See also Polyfill ofsetTimeoutwhich allows passing arguments to the callback incore-js Window.clearTimeout() WorkerGlobalScope.setTimeout() Window.setInterval() Window.requestAnimationFrame() Window.queueMicrotask()...