But there are many departments, is it possible to set the excel file by variable in the \"add row to excel\" action? Covid-<department>.xlsxThank You"},"Conversation:conversation:2187105":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:2187105","solved":f...
Leave empty if you're storing your client ID in plain text in the Command Center - Client Secret environment variable. This variable expects the Azure Key Vault reference, not the secret. For more information, see Use Azure Key Vault secrets in environment variables....
Hi everyone, As of today, you will be able to set the values of your managed metadata columns (sometimes also called taxonomy columns) in...
Request sign-off is basically automating the steps of the current user setting up columns manually, and recording approval status in those places. You are correct that ideally, it would record the update with the name of the approver, but that's not possibl...
We are happy to announce a new feature in SharePoint called "Request sign-off". The goal is to provide you an easy way to send an item for approval to someone else. This feature enables an open appro... Thank you this is a great quick feature addi...
Once it is invoked, Request sign-off will create a new text column in your library called "Sign-off status". This column will record the state of your request. It works just like any other text column, you can sort, filter or group by it to organize...
- Welcome back to the conversation. It will be great if you can pass on the progress. I'm getting some from my support engineer as you can see I've pasted in this thread to help others out. I was just asked again on Friday to try again and it ...
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PowerAppFlow":{"__typename":"Forum","id":"board:PowerAppFlow","entityType":"FORUM","displayId":"PowerAppFlow","nodeType":"board","depth":4,"conversationStyle":"FORUM","title":"Power Apps and Power Automate in SharePoint","description":"","avatar"...