import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; const useForm = (initialFieldValues) => { const { values, setValues } = useState(initialFieldValues); const handleInputChange = (e) => { const { name, value } =; const fieldValue = { [name]: value }; this.setValues(...
使用框架: React 复现步骤 "const onTextAreaInput = useCallback((e) => { setCommentText(e.detail.value); }, []);" "<Textarea value={commentText} onInput={onTextAreaInput}/>" 在输入框快速输入 期望结果 希望能准确展示value值。不闪烁 不显示旧的value ...
//稍微改了下,input里面加了value importreact, {Component}from'react';import{ debounce }from'lodash.debounce';exportdefaultclassDebounceextendsComponent{construtor() {super();this.callAjax=debounce(this.callAjax,300); } callAjax =(value) =>{console.log('value :: ', value);this.setState({in...
在<TextArea>的onChange方法中使用setState来保存value的话,会导致输入卡顿,原因是用户在输入时,一直在setState,导致整个页面一直重新渲染 主页面: import React, { Component, } from 'react'; import { Input } from 'antd'; const { TextArea } = Input; class CustomCompent extends Component { constructo...
Simple react setState reactjs setstate 我试图用state做这个简单的React应用程序。当我在输入中键入内容时,它将引发一个错误:TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性“value” import React, { useState } from "react" function Input() { const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState("Enter input.") const push...
`defaultValue`对于`getFieldDecorator`无效。如果要设置`value`,请改用`option.initialValue`。 前言:react+antd项目,使用到了form表单和一些控件。 报错原因:form表单使用了getFieldDecorator来封装控件(比如<Inputplaceholder="请输入搜索内容" />),它会自动给这个控件添加一个value,你需要给定一个默认值即initialValue...
react 获取input的值 ref 和 this.setState({}) 1、ref //class my_filter(reg){ const inpVal = this.input.value; console.log(inpVal); console.log(reg); }; //render <input type="text" ref={input => this.input = input} defaultValue = 'helloworld!' />...
src/renderers/dom/client/wrappers/ReactDOMTextarea.js Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ 'use strict'; var DisabledInputUtils = require('DisabledInputUtils'); var DOMPropertyOperations = require('DOMPropertyOperations'); va...
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{label:'Thing 1',value:1}, {label:'Thing 2',value:2}, {label:'Thing 3',value:3}, {label:'Thing 4',value:4}, {label:'Thing 5',value:5}, ];constUserForm= (props) => {const{ values, touched, errors, dirty, isSubmitting, handleChange, setFieldValue, handleBlur, handleSubmi...