設定選項。 您可以使用telnet unset 命令來關閉先前設定的選項。 語法 set [bsasdel] [crlf] [delasbs] [escape <char>] [localecho] [logfile <filename>] [logging] [mode {console | stream}] [ntlm] [term {ansi | vt100 | vt52 | vtnt}] [?] ...
Set-CMUserDataAndProfileConfigurationItem [-AccessPolicy <Boolean>] [-AddAdminGroupToRupEnabled <Boolean>] [-AllowAllDevice <Boolean>] [-AllowCrossForestUserPolicy <Boolean>] [-AppDataRoaming <FolderRedirectionType>] [-BackgroundSynchronization <SynchronizationType>] [-BackgroundUploadHour <Int32>] [...
{VmSize} NetworkProfile : {NetworkInterfaces} OSProfile : {ComputerName, AdminUsername, WindowsConfiguration, Secrets, AllowExtensionOperations, RequireGuestProvisionSignal} ProvisioningState : Succeeded StorageProfile : {ImageReference, OsDisk, DataDisks} VirtualMachineScaleSet : {Id} TimeCreated : 11/16...
2. Using the Command Prompt Press theWindowskey, typecmdin the search bar, and clickRun as administrator. To add a temporary variable to your system, use this command after replacingVariableName&Variablevaluewith the one you want and hitEnter:set VariableName = Variablevalue Thesetcommand is u...
User Relevance Score Less Than Or Equal To userRelevanceScore[lte] float Less than or equal to userRelevanceScore Greater than or equal to userRelevanceScore userRelevanceScore[gte] float User Relevance Score Greater Than Or Equal To Update Date Greater Than updated[gt] date-time Low...
$false: A user with the required permissions isn't able to open someone else's mailbox in Outlook on the web. Expand table Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Server 2010, Exch...
CMDVIOL | NOCMDVIOL Specifies whether RACF is to log violations detected by RACF commands. You must have the AUDITOR attribute to specify these options. CMDVIOL Specifies that RACF is to log violations detected by RACF commands (except LISTDSD, LISTGRP, LISTUSER, RLIST, and SEARCH) during ...
MQCHK_REQUIRED_ADMIN 如果您使用的是特权用户标识,那么需要有效的用户标识和密码才能允许连接。 密码不能包含单引号 (' )。 使用非特权用户标识的任何连接都不需要提供用户标识和密码。 将根据认证信息对象中提供的用户存储库详细信息来检查用户标识和密码,并在 ALTER QMGR 上的 CONNAUTH 字段中提供该用户标识和密码...
## rather than USERALIAS 这并不很常用,因为你可以通过使用组来代替一组用户的别名 # User_Alias ADMINS = jsmith, mikem ## Command Aliases ## These are groups of related commands... 指定一系列相互关联的命令(当然可以是一个)的别名,通过赋予该别名sudo权限, ...
admin(1) afmtodit(1) alias(1) allocate(1) animate(1) annotate(1) ant(1) antlr(1) appcert(1) appres(1) apptrace(1) apropos(1) ar(1) ar(1g) arch(1) as(1) as(1g) as86(1) asa(1) at(1) atobm(1) atok(1) ATOK(1) atok12migd(1) atok12migs(1) atokx2cvttool(1) ...