What kind of semantic relations are available is up to the analyzing user. The resulting (tree-like) structure should be preserved in the creation of an enhanced translation. 2.2 Motivation Simplification/Time Saving in developing the analyses (compared to the extensive arranging in Office- or ...
So to define quantum mechanics on a Cantor set, all you need is an appropriate stochastic motion. The ordinary Brownian motion fails to have a limit, it just stays still on the Cantor set--- it ends up fully localized. But the Levy process generalizes just fine. ...
aThe percentage of the polymer fill along the length of the cantilever can be controlled by the volume and drop rate of deposited PBMA solution. In this work, each jetted drop is followed by a dwell time of 30 s to allow the polymer to wick into the cantilever. The dwell time reduces ...
1 äußert er sich nochmals ausführlich: »Canaris hatte bereits im Jahre 1937 mit der ge- nauen Aufzeichnung seiner Amtstätigkeit und mit der Sammlung aller auf die Ent- wicklung der politischen und militärisch-politischen Lage in Deutschland bezughaben- den Dokumente begonnen, um...
Die internationale Lage, ihre Entwick- lungstendenzen und ihre Konsequenzen für Berlin, in: DzD, 1966-1967, S. 2106-2112. Longerich, Peter, Propagandisten im Krieg. Die Presseabteilung des Auswärtigen Am- tes unter Ribbentrop, München 1987. Loth, Wilfried, Die Teilung der Welt. ...
more than ever. Because you are how the president gets his news. Not from advisors, not from experts, not from intelligence agencies. You guys. You got to be on your A-Game, you got to be twice as good. You can’t make any mistakes. Cause if one of you messes up, he blames you...
rated 4 out of 5 stars.26 total votes free shipping when it comes to duvets, you’re bound to be cozy curled up under either one. duvets, however, offer more options because of their covers. duvet covers wrap a duvet insert, keeping it clean and well-styled; to update your look, ...
Die Entwick- lung einer Gattung in der deutschen Literatur, hg. v. dems., Frankfurt a.M., S. 14-49. Brockliss, Laurence (1996): Lehrpläne, in: Geschichte der Universität in Europa. Bd. II: Von der Reformation zur Französischen Revolution (1500-1800), hg. v. Walter Rü- ...