1. To set up your visual voicemail, from the home screen select the Phone app. 2. Select theVoicemail tab, then selectSet Up. Note: Alternatively, you can set up voicemail by selecting the Phone app then pressing and holding the1 key. If prompted, enter yourvoicemail password, then follo...
Voicemail . If switching to an iPhone, you could be directed to the automated Voicemail system. If so, follow the voice prompts. If unsuccessful, you can dial *86 to manually set up. Tap Set Up Now . If the 'Set Up Now' pop-up doesn't appear, your Voicemail has already been set ...
1. To set up your visual voicemail, from the home screen select the Phone app. 2. Select theVoicemail tab, then selectSet Up. Note: Alternatively, you can set up voicemail by selecting the Phone app then pressing and holding the1 key. If prompted, enter yourvoicemail password, then follo...
Because voicemail setup is handled differently by different carriers, I'm sorry, but we are unable to provide you with "one size fits all" instructions. We could guess at things for your carrier, but chances are, our guess would be wrong. Please contact your carrier for details. They likel...
How to set up voicemail on iPhone Step 1: Go to the phone app Go to yourPhoneapp to access your voicemail Image: Maria Diaz / ZDNet ThePhoneapp is the green icon with a handset on it, where you go to make your calls, can see contact and recent call information, and access your vo...
iPhone Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question.User profile for user: Bonmor Bonmor Author User level: Level 1 38 points Error 1034 when trying to set up voicemail greeting When I click on Greeting to set up my voice ...
在iPhone 上,可视化语音信箱会显示你的留言列表。你可以选取要播放的留言,以及将其删除而无需听完所有留言。
Select Settings and more () next to your initials or profile picture, choose Settings and go to Calls. Select Manage voicemail and then choose Record a greeting. In the voicemail window, follow the voice prompts and use the onscreen Keypad for answers. Also see Set up your voicemail....
Record a greeting. SetCall answer rules. Set defaultGreeting language. Create a Text-to-speech customized greeting option, and anOut of office greeting. SelectOK. For info on getting your voicemails, seeListen to your voicemail messagesorSet up your voicemail greeting....
Learn how to set up voicemail on an iPhone.