To set up your visual voicemail, from the home screen, selectPhone. Note:Alternatively, you can set up voicemail by selectingPhone, then pressing and holding the1-key. If prompted, enter your voicemail password, then follow the prompts to set up your voicemail. You will not be able to set...
Step 3:This should bring you to a screen with instructions on how to set up Visual Voicemail with aSet up nowbutton in the center. If this shows aCall voicemailbutton instead, or automatically dials your voicemail service and shows you a numeric keypad, you haven't properly subscribed to Vi...
Voicemail is a feature provided by your wireless carrier, so if you’re unable to set it up on your iPhone or still have difficulties with your voicemail after trying these steps, you’ll need to reach out to your carrierFor more info about your iPhone’s visual voicemail capabilities, Appl...
change device set up voicemail set up voicemail on your device. instructions & info from the home screen, tap phone . tap voicemail . note: alternately, you can set up voicemail by pressing and holding the number 1 key. your visual voicemail box will be displayed. all new voicemail ...
This article can help you with setting up your voicemail: Set up Visual Voicemail on your iPhone. Set up voicemail The first time you tap Voicemail, you’re asked to create a voicemail password and record your voicemail greeting. 1. Tap Voicemail, then tap Set Up Now. 2. Create a voic...
How To Set Up Voicemail on Your iPhone Time needed:2 minutes Here is how to set up voicemail on iPhone: To access the voicemail feature, start by opening thePhone appon your iPhone. Located at the bottom of your Phone app screen, you’ll find theVoicemail boxwaiting for you. Tap it....
It sounds like you’re having trouble setting up your voicemail. I’m happy to help. You’ll want to try the steps below: Set up Visual Voicemail on your iPhone - Apple Support Should the issue persist, you’ll want to contact your wireless carrier for additional troubleshooting. Take ...
Visual Voicemail isn't available for Prepaid service. From a Home screen, swipe up to access all apps then tap Voice Mail icon . If unavailable, swipe up from the center of the display, then tap Voice mail . From the Visual Voicemail inbox, tap the ...
Quick fix, How to Set up Voicemail? Tips: Quick Guide Here is a quick method to Set up voicemail on galaxy. 1.Select the Phone app from the home screen. 2.Choose the Keypad tab, then the Visual Voicemail icon. 3.You can also set up voicemail by selecting and holding the 1 key in...
Visual voicemail is a handy feature, especially if you deal with a lot of voice messages and phone calls. While support on Android is iffy to the point that there are many third-party visual voicemail apps to make it work, the situation on the iPhone is much better. Apple supports visual...