The client mode assumes that the client ( a Catalyst 6000 family switch) send time-of-day requests regularly to the NTP server.A maximum of ten servers per client is allowed. Examples This example shows how to configure an NTP server: Console> (enable) set ntp server NTP ser...
serverweroptin 網路檔案系統 (NFS) 服務命令參考資料 set environmental variables set shadow copy set shadow copy 設定內容 set id set metadata set option set verbose setx sfc shadow shift showmount shrink shutdown simulate restore sort start
serverweroptin 网络文件系统服务 (NFS) 命令参考 设置环境变量 setlocal setx 证监会 影子 转变 showmount 关闭 模拟还原 排序 开始 subst sxstrace sysocmgr systeminfo takeown tapicfg taskkill tasklist tcmsetup telnet tftp 时间 超时 标题 tlntadmn tpmtool ...
serverweroptin 网络文件系统服务 (NFS) 命令参考 设置环境变量 setlocal setx 证监会 影子 转变 showmount 关闭 模拟还原 排序 开始 subst sxstrace sysocmgr systeminfo takeown tapicfg taskkill tasklist tcmsetup telnet tftp 时间 超时 标题 tlntadmn tpmtool ...
Below are the steps to set up a TFTP server to support PXE boot for UEFI servers: 1. Install the TFTP server: # yum install -y tftp-server 2. Download the needed packages from the RHEL repositories: # mkdir /root/packages# cd /root/packages# yumdownloader shim-version-architecture# yum...
Change to the root (/) directory of the prospective network configuration server. Turn on thein.tftpddaemon by creating the directory/tftpboot: #mkdir /tftpboot This command configures the system as a TFTP, bootparams, and RARP server. ...
name for IPv6 should be placed in brackets) # tftp://hostname # ftp://username:password@hostname # sftp://username:password@hostname[:port] # sftp-sha1://username:password@hostname[:port] # http://hostname[:port] # 2) Do not add a trailing slash at the end of file server ...
Applies To: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8 Changes the initial number of seconds to wait for a reply to a lookup request. Syntax Copy set timeout=<Number> Parameters तालिका विस्तृत करें Parameter...
[nop,nop,TS val 121585530 ecr 238212756], length 0 10:54:09.028110 IP > Flags [P.], seq 1134925:1135001, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 238212756 ecr 121585530], length 76 10:54:09.028160 IP >
tftp(1) tidy(1) tifficc(1) time(1) timemanp(1) timeout(1) times(1) timesysp(1) timex(1) tip(1) tkmib(1) tknewsbiff(1) top(1) touch(1) touch(1B) touch(1g) tplot(1) tput(1) tput(1g) tr(1) tr(1B) tr(1g) transset(1) trap(1) traptoemail(1) tred(1) troff(1...