Teams Rooms - Account set up? techboonI would enable that Resource Account you already have. There are some docs onlinehereor I have a blogherefor Hybrid accounts and oneherefor pure O365 accounts.
Any tips on what accounts create locally, what accounts to create online, and how to configure them? If I already have a resource account for the meeting room, should I use that or create new?
Coordinated Meetings lets you set up your Teams Rooms on Windows devices and Surface Hubs so that when you join a meeting on one device, the other devices in the room are also joined to the same meeting. You can configure your cameras, speakers, and microphones so that the ones that give...
In the Set up a deal room step, select Use an existing team. In the Select a team step, select a team from the list of teams that you own or are a member of, and then select Next. If the opportunity's parent account is already linked to a team, the linked team i...
using aTeams Roomslicense on your common area phone account, it will only let you useMeetingRoomSignInmode.MeetingRoomSignInmode isn't available on most common area phones. For more information about supported overrides for the phone interface, seeSet Microsoft Teams Android devices user interface...
Enables you to pass a user object through the pipeline that represents the user whose account is being modified. By default, the Set-CsUser cmdlet does not pass objects through the pipeline. Note: This parameter is not available for Teams Only tenants from version 3.0.0 onwards. Expand table...
[-RoomAttributeUserOverride <String>] [-ScreenSharingMode <String>] [-SmsNotifications <String>] [-SpeakerAttributionMode <String>] [-StreamingAttendeeMode <String>] [-TeamsCameraFarEndPTZMode <String>] [-Tenant <Guid>] [-VideoFiltersMode <String>] [-VoiceIsolation <String>] [-WatermarkFor...
Set up the meeting as you typically would, that is, by giving the event a name, adding or removing attendees, choosing a start time and duration, and so on. If you’ll have in-person attendees, inLocation, type a location for the meeting, such as a conference room, or clickAdd Room...
Resources Free Account Version Skype for Business PowerShell Search Overview Reference SkypeForBusiness Commands Add-CsSlaDelegates Approve-CsDeviceUpdateRule Backup-CsPool Clear-CsDeviceUpdateFile Clear-CsDeviceUpdateLog Clear-CsPersistentChatRoom Convert-CsUserData ConvertTo-JsonForPSWS Copy-CsVoice...
Get-CsTeamsChannelsPolicy Get-CsTeamsClientConfiguration Get-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingApplication Get-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy Get-CsTeamsCortanaPolicy Get-CsTeamsEducationAssignmentsAppPolicy Get-CsTeamsEmergencyCallingPolicy Get-CsTeamsEmergencyCallRoutingPolicy Get-CsTeamsFeedbackPolicy Get-CsTeamsGuestCal...