Find out how to useset up, setup, andset-upcorrectly to write better in British and American English. I’ll also show you some sentence examples. Setup vs. Set Up – What’s the Difference? Setupis one word when it is a noun (e.g., “it was a setup!”) or an adjective (e....
名词set-up: equipment designed to serve a specific function 同义词:apparatus, setup the way something is organized or arranged 同义词:setup an act that incriminates someone on a false charge 同义词:frame-up, setup 知识拓展: set up 英文发音:[ˈset ʌp] v. 建立;搭建;装配;开业;竖立 例...
在英语中,“setup”和“set up”是两个常见的词汇,尽管它们拼写相似且意思相近,但在实际使用中存在一定的区别。以下是关于这两个词的详细解析: 一、词性差异 setup(名词): 主要用作名词,表示“设置”、“安装”或“布局”等概念。 例如:“The software setup was straightforward.”(软件的安装过程很简单。) se...
set-up什么意思 e.g. He was asked to pick somebody up and bring them to a party, not realizing it was a setup.有人让他开车去接几个人来参加聚会,他并没有意识到这是个陷阱。 3. (软件或硬件的)安装,设置The set-up of computer hardware or software is the process of installing it and ma...
前者,电脑安装安装软件时不就是有安装设置的吗,setup开始设置选项卡嘛 set
Heissettingupanexamplebypersistinginmanuallabour.他在坚持体力劳动方面树立了典范。 6.helpsb.startabusinessbyprovidingthemoneyrequired帮忙(某人)从事(某种)职业 Hisfathersethimupinarestaurant.他父亲帮他开了个饭店。 Jackwassetupinbusinessbyarelative.杰克在一个亲戚的资助下开头经商。 7.makeproudorvain使居高...
set-up[ 'set'ʌp ] n. equipment designed to serve a specific function 同义词:apparatussetup the way something is organized or arranged 同义词:setup an act that incriminates someone on a false charge 同义词:frame-upsetup v. set up or found ...
您好:1. 打开电脑,在开机画面中等待屏幕出现press F1 to setup,这时候按下电脑中的F1键,但也有型号显示的是press F2 to setup,显示是什么按键就按下什么按键。2. 进入设置界面后根据自己的需要设置选项,在界面的下方会有功能按键代表的意思,不懂的可以照着下方操作。3. 设定完成后按下按键F10...
没有setup一词,有也是set up短语的误写,安装,建立的意思。没有必要纠缠这两个词的区别,没有实际意义。
The meaning of SETUP is carriage of the body; especially : erect and soldierly bearing. How to use setup in a sentence.