Be noted, OSS RustDesk Server does not support http proxy, you have to useProor public server. Set uphttpproxy server onUbuntu/Debian. This HTTP proxy is not the same as a reverse proxy in NGINX; they are different concepts. I know that ChatGPT may direct you to NGINX when you ask a...
hbbs - RustDesk ID/Rendezvous server hbbr - RustDesk relay server rustdesk-utils - RustDesk CLI utilities You can find updated binaries on the releases page. If you want extra features RustDesk Server Pro might suit you better. If you want to develop your own server, rustdesk-server-demo mi...
mkdir rustdesk cd rustdesk编写docker-compose.yml 文件vim docker-compose.ymlversion: '3' networks: rustdesk-net: external: false services: hbbs: container_name: hbbs ports: - 21115:21115 - 21116:21116 - 21116:21116/udp - 21118:21118 image: rustdesk/rustdesk-server:latest command: hbbs -r ...
在客户端设置 hbbs/hbbr 地址 点击ID 右侧的菜单按钮如下,选择“ ID/中继服务器”。 在ID 服务器输入框中输入 hbbs 主机或 ip 地址,在中继服务器输入框中输入 hbbr 主机或 ip 地址。 例如: 或者
coke/rustdesk-server forked fromrustdesk/rustdesk-server 确定同步? 同步操作将从rustdesk/rustdesk-server强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!! 确定后同步将在后台操作,完成时将刷新页面,请耐心等待。 删除在远程仓库中不存在的分支和标签 ...
version: '3' networks: rustdesk-net: external: false services: hbbs: container_name: hbbs ports: - 21115:21115 - 21116:21116 - 21116:21116/udp - 21118:21118 image: rustdesk/rustdesk-server:latest command: hbbs -r volumes: - ./data:/root networks: - rustdesk...
I want the users to add the ID server and relay server address to the software with a bat file or a registry file (or another way) after installing the software. 1 Replies: 1 comment Oldest Newest Top edited dinger1986 Jul 21, 2023 Example here,
The documentation suggests that -k _ should be supplied to both hbbs and hbbr when only encrypted connections are permitted, but the rustdesk-server-s6 container doesn't appear to be doing this. I...
orsetii / rustdesk-server Public forked from rustdesk/rustdesk-server Notifications Fork 0 Star 0 Files master .cargo .github .vscode debian docker-classic docker libs rcd src systemd ui .env .gitattributes .gitignore Cargo.lock Cargo.toml LICENSE