To set upOkta Verify, install the app on your device and create an account to enroll the device inOkta. You can set up your account in different ways: With a QR code With your sign-in URL With an activation link or secret key
Okta FastPass is a secure way to sign in to your apps protected by Okta. To authenticate with Okta FastPass you need Okta Verify.Note for administrators: This feature is only available on Okta Identity Engine.If your organization asked you to set up Okta FastPass, but this option isn't ...
Learn how to use Okta for Hybrid Microsoft AAD Join. Learn how to configure PingFederate with Microsoft Entra Connect. Import users from your organization's HR systems: Microsoft Entra user provisioning service automates the creation, maintenance, and removal of user identities based on rules set ...
Open a new window or tab in your browser.Log into your Okta org. You may need to work with your IT administrator to complete this part of the setup. Navigate to the Admin user interface. FollowOkta's instructionsfor setting up a SAML app in Okta. For "Single sign-on URL,"paste the ...
For example, see Okta Org2Org configuration (opens new window). Set the default Provisioning Connection (opens new window) for your app to use the token authentication scheme. You can activate the connection simultaneously with the activate query parameter. In this Zscaler 2.0 (zscalerbyz) app ...
Learn how to use Okta for Hybrid Microsoft AAD Join. Learn how to configure PingFederate with Microsoft Entra Connect. Import users from your organization's HR systems: Microsoft Entra user provisioning service automates the creation, maintenance, and removal of user identities based on rules set ...
To locate this information in your Okta dashboard, please openGrammarlyfrom the list ofApplications, open theSign Ontab, and clickView Setup Instructions: On the page that opens, search forIdentity Provider Issuer, SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP), andCertificate. ...
Select the HTTP_Listener_config element and click on Edit. In order to refer to a property from any connector configuration, you need to use the following syntax: ${} Replace each hardcoded value with the corresponding property, using the previous syntax. You should end up ...
Set up single sign-on using Okta Amplitude provides a single sign-on integration with Okta for customers on Scholarship, Growth, or Enterprise plans. Before you begin For some general information about SSO, seethis article on SSO in Amplitude. ...
For further information on using this package, see Okta JWT Verifier for Node.js (opens new window). Add the @okta/jwt-verifier package to your external service, and then add the following code to validate the token:const OktaJwtVerifier = require("@okta/jwt-verifier"); const oktaJwt...