(Optional) Now if you are using the microphone for the first time, click Get started under Microphone. Then follow through as the wizard instructs you to calibrate your microphone with your accent. Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page and click Speech privacy settings under Related ...
How to Install Microsoft 365 for iPad You'll download Microsoft 365 as a single entity, but you also have the option to download individual applications such asWord,PowerPoint,Excel, and more as separate programs. Here's how to install the Office all-in-one application on iPad. In the App...
MicrophoneSet-upandTroubleshootingGuide DragonSpeechRecognitionVersion JonWahrenberger,MDSpeechRecognitionSolutions Congratulationsonyourpurchaseofanewmicrophone.Inordertotakefulladvantageofyournewmicrophone,itisimportantthatyouproperlyintegrateitintoyourversionofDragonNaturallySpeakingandnotsimplysubstituteitforyourexistingmicroph...
In short, Cortana adds appointments and reminders to your calendar, takes dictation for sending messages, does any research for you on the web, and even launches apps. Although you can use your keyboard, the best results with Cortana are achieved by using a microphone, so if your PC doesn'...