you might be looking for a way to create a Google account. It might sound like a confusing process, but it’s pretty simple, and it’s not just limited to Android devices. Here’s how to set up a Google account without any hassle. You’ll find step-by-step instructions below...
Learn how to set up a Gmail account on desktop and mobile, plus how to create a Gmail account for an existing email address in this step-by-step guide.
The Google OAuth can be set up for both G Suite as well as your personal Gmail account. If you have a G Suite account, you should read how to configure Google OAuth credentials in WSDesk. In this article, I’ll show you how to set up Google OAuth for your personal Gma...
Use Multiple 2FA Options:For most online accounts, you’re not restricted to just one form of 2-factor authentication. For example, you could set up Facebook with both the Google Authenticator as well as with a 2FA security key. Either could be used to verify your account and act as a ...
If your additional cardholder makes a spend on their M&S Credit Card, the spend notification will be received on the main cardholder’s device, which the M&S Banking App is set up on. How do M&S Bank keep my account safe? You can find out more about how we protect you account on our...
Visitors who visited your website before your cookie policy banner was set up will already have the cookies created by the HubSpot tracking code in their browser. They will, therefore, not see the cookie policy banner until their cookies are removed or expired. If you use the HubSpot trackin...
Looking to set up a Google My Business account but don’t have a brick-and-mortar location? Wondering if you can still take advantage of this incredible free tool for local SEO? Well, breathe easy because the answer isa resounding yes!
Click here for more information about mobile device security. Set up Google Authenticator to add 2-factor authentication to your account. This protects your account by requiring the user to have physical access to your mobile device before they can access your account....
As a market leader in the consumer banking business, DBS has a full spectrum of products and services, including deposits, investments, insurance, mortgages, credit cards and personal loans, to help our customers realise their dreams and aspirations at every life stage. Our financial solutions are...
If you're already logged in to other Google apps on your phone, your Google account should automatically pop up. Tap on "Continue as [your name]". If not, you'll need to sign into your Google account before continuing. On the next screen, you'll be asked if Google Home can access ...