File History is a built-in tool first introduced in Windows 8 and allows you to back up your data and restore deleted files and modified documents. Windows 10 includes a lot of helpful features to recover your files or restore your entire system. However, one feature you might not be aware...
12.1 启用 Windows Defender (Enabling Windows Defender) Windows 10 自带的 Windows Defender 提供实时保护,用户可以在“设置”中选择“更新与安全”,进入“Windows 安全”进行设置。 12.2 设置防火墙 (Setting Up Firewall) 在“Windows 安全”中,用户可以找到防火墙设置,确保系统不受外部威胁。 结论(Conclusion) 通过...
ff是 fileformat 的缩写:setff=unix" 将文件切换为 unix 格式,每行以 "\n" 结尾:setff=dos" 切换为 Windows 格式,每行以 "\r\n" 结尾 " 设置编码格式:setencoding=utf-8" 设置 vim 展示文本时的编码格式:setfileencoding=utf-8" 设置 vim 写入文件时的编码格式setautoindent 在插入模式下,对每行按...
vertex buffer, index buffer, or// shader-constant buffer. For CreateBuffer API ref info, see// d3dDevice->CreateBuffer(&bd,nullptr, m_constantBufferNeverChanges.put()) ); .../...
file extensions do on Microsoft Windows. When crawling the internet, these labels may be recorded and the frequency of them can be used to identify the popularity of file formats. Statistics have thus been gained from the WayBackMachine ( and for WebCrawler (https:...
-MsiFilePath指定軟體條件的 Windows Installer 檔案路徑。 展開表格 類型: String Position: Named 預設值: None 必要: False 接受管線輸入: False 接受萬用字元: False-Namespace指定WMI 查詢條件的命名空間。 展開表格 類型: String[] Position: Named 預設值: None 必要: False 接受管線輸入: False 接受...
In windows 10 and later 11, how do I set up a backup using File History under a sub-directory I created - as opposed to the root directory? When I set up the backup, the structure looks like this:R:\FileHistory>But I want it to look like this:R:\To_backup\FileHistory>There does...
TheFLIP Fluids addonis a tool that helps you set up, run, and render liquid simulation effects. Our custom built fluid engine is based around the popular FLIP simulation technique that is also found in many other professional liquid simulation tools. The FLIP Fluids engine has been in constant...
Enter and view inventory items shipping history Error when you perform year-end close in Inventory Control Error when you post a reverse issue transaction Error when you print the Historical Stock Status report Error when you run a SQL Opt Inventory Transaction integration ...
I want to open titled windows at specific paths I want to have as many windows and panes as I want I want to run arbitrary commands in each of the panes, persisted in history I want to focus the window I want at the end of the script I want being able to spawn this very quickly...