To apply a unique DMARC record to one or more subdomains, add sp=none, sp=quarantine, or sp=reject in the TXT Value. Click Next. That's all you'll need to do. Wait for Mailchimp to confirm the information. It can take up to 48 hours for some domains to update. Great work!
To apply a unique DMARC record to one or more subdomains, add sp=none, sp=quarantine, or sp=reject in the TXT Value. Click Next. That's all you'll need to do. Wait for Mailchimp to confirm the information. It can take up to 48 hours for some domains to...
To apply a unique DMARC record to one or more subdomains, add sp=none, sp=quarantine, or sp=reject in the TXT Value. Click Next. That's all you'll need to do. Wait for Mailchimp to confirm the information. It can take up to 48 hours for some domains to update. Great work!