The CMG uses Azure Cloud Services as PaaS, this service uses virtual machines (VMs) that will involve compute costs. By default, the SCCM CMG uses a Standard A2 V2 VM. When you set up SCCM cloud management gateway, you select how many VM instances support the CMG. One CMG supports up ...
SCCM requires someone with Global Admin privileges to SignInfrom SCCM Console to automatically register Web/Server and Client/Native Apps with appropriate permissions to onboard AAD. This is a pre-requisite for an ARM based setup of CMG. Although, ...
(CMG) 配置云管理网关。语法PowerShell 复制 Set-CMCloudManagementGateway [-CARootCert <Hashtable>] [-CheckClientCertRevocation <Boolean>] [-Description <String>] [-EnableCloudDPFunction <Boolean>] [-EnableStorageQuota <Boolean>] [-EnableTrafficOut <Boolean>] [-EnforcePro...
Short story - According to Microsoft Support, the content Library cleanup tool logs and from my experience, the Content Library Cleanup Tool Does not work for a single server set up. (or single server with CMG) - Greyed out entries in Content Library explorer indicate EI...
Failed to set share security on share \server.domain.local\SCCMContentLib$. Error = 87 Failed to set access security on share SMSSIG$ on server server.domain.local Error occurred. Performing error cleanup prior to returning. Failed to find a valid drive on the distribution point ["DISPLAY=...
Configure a cloud management gateway (CMG).SyntaxPowerShell Kopiraj Set-CMCloudManagementGateway [-CARootCert <Hashtable>] [-CheckClientCertRevocation <Boolean>] [-Description <String>] [-EnableCloudDPFunction <Boolean>] [-EnableStorageQuota <Boolean>] [-EnableTrafficOut <Boolean>] [-Enforce...
Get-CMAzureService -Name "Contoso" | Set-CMCloudManagementAzureService -NewName "CMG service" -Description "ConfigMgr connection to Contoso tenant for CMG"参数-AddGroupName指定要发现的Microsoft Entra 组名称。 将此参数与 EnableGroupDiscovery 参数一起使用。 展开表 类型: String[] 别名: AddGroupName...
Configure a cloud management gateway (CMG).SyntaxPowerShell Copy Set-CMCloudManagementGateway [-CARootCert <Hashtable>] [-CheckClientCertRevocation <Boolean>] [-Description <String>] [-EnableCloudDPFunction <Boolean>] [-EnableStorageQuota <Boolean>] [-EnableTrafficOut <Boolean>] [-Enforce...
Dear Team, We have a situation where CMG is running on Classic deployment method and customer is asking to convert it to Virtual scale set method. Things to keep in mind is, MS says if your service name is you cannot convert it and here in
Get-CMAzureService -Name "Contoso" | Set-CMCloudManagementAzureService -NewName "CMG service" -Description "ConfigMgr connection to Contoso tenant for CMG" 參數 -AddGroupName 指定要探索的Microsoft Entra組名。 搭配 EnableGroupDiscovery 參數使用此參數。 展開表格 Type: String[] Aliases: AddGroupName...