Linux - Ubuntu 16.04 gnome + VSCode + CMake Windows 10 - VS2015 大部分在Linux环境下完成,VSCode配置好之后非常好用(和VA差别不大),构建的所有流程通过CMake控制。 新手还是推荐Windows。 怎么配置环境这里就不说了,这边准备好了两个SetUp工程,有DrawPixel函数可以直接用,github走一个。 下一篇将会将讲基础图...
(1) ... ROJECTS.mdwhich seems to outline what I have already done, but still doesn't tell me what I need to do to make the vscode extension select the project I wish to compile. I can work on the component code itself (within the ".") beca...
for your C code. I expect some googling about setting up clangd in vscode will get you to a similar experience as I have ... MANDS.htmlXMOS Software EngineerTop RitchRock XCore Addict Posts: 219 Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 8:25 pm ...
CMake Tools Diagnostics { "os": "win32", "vscodeVersion": "1.86.0-insider", "cmtVersion": "1.16.32", "configurations": [ { "folder": "c:\\Users\\atom0s\\Desktop\\cmake_test", "cmakeVersion": "3.27.2", "configured": true, "generator": "Ninja", "usesPresets": true, "co...
Type: Bug I'm new to C++ and currently self-studying Stanford cs106. Instead of using Qt as the course recommended, I chose vscode and g++(from MSYS2) to compile my code. But I found myself couldn't run the code properly though I’ve adju...
rustup targetaddwasm32-unknown-unknown# 顺便把下面两个一并安装。cargo install wasm-pack cargo install https 安装 Mac 需要安装 brew,一般来讲Mac用户都会安装这个命令,如果已经安装直接brew update和brew install openssl cmake即可,如下是全部流程:
cmake: command not found Linux检测远程服务器端口的几种方法 Nginx中autoindex的具体使用 linux终端操作快捷键 mysql出现ERROR : (2006, MySQL server has gone away) 原因和解决方案 docker容器映射的端口无法用firewalld防火墙管理的问题 windows宝塔面板报错INIT_CSRF_ERR mysql报错 InnoDB: mmap(274726912 bytes)...
.vscode CMakeModules android build-data build-scripts data doc doxygen_doc gfx lang lgtm/cpp-queries msvc-full-features msvc-object_creator object_creator pch src chkjson third-party CMakeLists.txt achievement.cpp achievement.h action.cpp action.h active_item_cache.cpp active_item_cache.h ...
{ "os": "win32", "vscodeVersion": "1.86.2", "cmtVersion": "1.17.16", "configurations": [ { "folder": "c:\\Users\\20204729\\Projects\\SAM-FMS\\fms-scheduler", "cmakeVersion": "3.28.3", "configured": true, "generator": "Ninja Multi-Config", "usesPresets": true, "compilers...