"C_Cpp.default.configurationProvider":"ms-vscode.cmake-tools", Otherwise, you can create a c_cpp configuration in your .vscode/c_cpp_configurations.json and setconfigurationProviderin there. Ex. (put this in theconfigurationsarray property) {"name":"CMake Tools","configurationPro...
Linux - Ubuntu 16.04gnome+ VSCode + CMake Windows 10 - VS2015 大部分在Linux环境下完成,VSCode配置好之后非常好用(和VA差别不大),构建的所有流程通过CMake控制。 新手还是推荐Windows。 怎么配置环境这里就不说了,这边准备好了两个SetUp工程,有DrawPixel函数可以直接用,github走一个。 下一篇将会将讲基础图元...
If your project has a CMake configuration it's pretty straight forward to setup VSCode, e.g. setup tasks.json like below: { "version": "0.1.0", "command": "sh", "isShellCommand": true, "args": ["-c"], "showOutput": "always", "suppressTaskName": true, "options": { "cwd...
(1)https://github.com/espressif/vscode-esp ... ROJECTS.mdwhich seems to outline what I have already done, but still doesn't tell me what I need to do to make the vscode extension select the project I wish to compile. I can work on the component code itself (within the ".") beca...
CMake Tools Diagnostics { "os": "win32", "vscodeVersion": "1.86.0-insider", "cmtVersion": "1.16.32", "configurations": [ { "folder": "c:\\Users\\atom0s\\Desktop\\cmake_test", "cmakeVersion": "3.27.2", "configured": true, "generator": "Ninja", "usesPresets": true, "co...
CMake Tools Diagnostics { "os": "win32", "vscodeVersion": "1.85.0-insider", "cmtVersion": "1.16.29", "configurations": [ { "folder": "c:\\Users\\atom0s\\Desktop\\temp_project", "cmakeVersion": "3.27.2", "configured": true, "generator": "Ninja", "usesPresets": true, "co...
rustup targetaddwasm32-unknown-unknown# 顺便把下面两个一并安装。cargo install wasm-pack cargo install https 安装 Mac 需要安装 brew,一般来讲Mac用户都会安装这个命令,如果已经安装直接brew update和brew install openssl cmake即可,如下是全部流程:
工具: git/cmake/vscode(安装js和C++插件)/python vscode :https://code.visualstudio.com/Download 编译参考:https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/BUILDING.md 需要注意的是为了调试方便,需要在make命令中开启debug,如果觉得编译过程慢也可以适当调大并发数。 代码语言:javascript 复制 make -d j4 命令...
Copy~/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode.cpptools-<version>/debugAdapters/lldb-mi/bin/lldb-miinto/Users/default/example/. Add the following to your existing configuration: "miDebuggerPath":"/Users/default/example/lldb-mi" Using a custom-built lldb-mi ...
I'm trying to set up intellisense in VScode to work with the rp2040 (pico). I am already able to build the project with cmake which was the first huge wall I was struggling to get across, but I'm now having difficulties trying to set up the intellisense to work just like it woul...