ScriptTask.SetUniqueScriptProjectName 方法参考 反馈 定义命名空间: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask 程序集: Microsoft.SqlServer.ScriptTask.dll 设置脚本对象的唯一名称。 C# 复制 public void SetUniqueScriptProjectName (); 适用于 产品版本 SQL Server .NET SDK 2016, 2017, 2019 ...
比如说生活中的小数据:全国新冠疫情疫苗接种人数就用int,银行必须使用decimal类型、因为客户数据重要,需要用到大内存的数据类型,全国人口的出生数据记录,为了日后能继续使用因此需要设置为datetime或者datetime2即可,两者之时精度不同罢了。。。 3.SQL语言 数据准备 创建Student 表结构 CREATE DATABASE Stu USE Stu --...
SQL 複製 EXEC sp_describe_first_result_set N'SELECT b2 AS b3 FROM v', NULL, 2; 結果集如下所示。展開資料表 is_hiddencolumn_ordinalNAMEsource_schemasource_tablesource_columnis_part_of_unique_key 0 1 B3 dbo v B2 0 1 2 ROWSTAT NULL NULL NULL 0...
SQL 复制 EXEC sp_describe_first_result_set N'SELECT b2 AS b3 FROM v', NULL, 2; 结果集如下。展开表 is_hiddencolumn_ordinalnamesource_schemasource_tablesource_columnis_part_of_unique_key 0 1 B3 dbo v B2 0 1 2 ROWSTAT NULL NULL NULL 0...
Other SQL Server logins that might enable TDE or other SQL Server encryption features. There's one-to-one mapping between credentials and logins. That is, each login must have a unique credential. Modify this Transact-SQL script in the following ways: Edit the IDENTITY argument (DocsSampleEKM...
SQL Kopiera SELECT AS index_name , i.type_desc , i.is_unique , ds.type_desc AS filegroup_or_partition_scheme , AS filegroup_or_partition_scheme_name , i.ignore_dup_key , i.is_primary_key , i.is_unique_constraint , i.fill_factor , i.is_padded , i.is_...
If each underlying table doesn't have a unique index and an ISOSCROLLcursor or if a Transact-SQLKEYSETcursor is requested, the cursor is automatically aSTATICcursor. Ifselect_statementcontains anORDER BYclause in which the columns aren't unique row identifiers, aDYNAMICcursor is converted to aKE...
This name should be unique among all the database-level directory names in the SQL Server instance. Uniqueness comparison is case-insensitive, regardless of collation settings. This option must be set before creating a FileTable in this database. <HADR_options> ::= Applies to: SQL Server See...
is_part_of_unique_key bit 如果列是唯一索引的一部分(包括唯一约束和主约束),则返回 1;否则,返回 0。 如果无法确定列是否为唯一索引的一部分,则返回 NULL。 仅在请求浏览信息时填充它。 is_updateable bit 如果可以更新列,则返回 ...
This name should be unique among all the database-level directory names in the SQL Server instance. Uniqueness comparison is case-insensitive, regardless of collation settings. This option must be set before creating a FileTable in this database. ...