SetScanMode (Android.Bluetooth.LE.ScanMode scanMode); Parameters scanMode ScanMode Returns ScanSettings.Builder Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to term...
车上set是什么意思;车上scan是什么意思啊 车上的set有两种意思,一种是在设置定速巡航后减速时用到的,另一种是暂时取消定速巡航后,按set设定当前速度为巡航速度,和set相对应的按键是RES,RES按键也有两种意思,一种是设置定速巡航后加速用,另一种意思是在暂时取消定速巡航后,按RES恢复到之前设定的车速。 附:定速...
52Scan:Stopped指出數據表或索引掃描何時停止。 53CursorOpen指出 ODBC、OLE DB 或 DB-Library 在 Transact-SQL 語句上開啟數據指標的時機。 54TransactionLog追蹤交易何時寫入事務歷史記錄。 55Hash Warning表示哈希作業(例如哈希聯結、哈希匯總、哈希聯集和哈希相異),在緩衝區分割區上未處理的哈希作業...
SetVideoScalingMode SignalEndOfInputStream Start Stop SubscribeToVendorParameters UnsubscribeFromVendorParameters MediaCodec.BufferInfo MediaCodec.Callback MediaCodec.CodecException MediaCodec.CryptoException MediaCodec.CryptoInfo MediaCodec.CryptoInfo.Pattern MediaCodec.FirstTunnelFrameReadyEventArgs MediaCodec.FrameRendered...
If the radio working mode is set to monitor, the AP scans all channels supported by the country code. Example # Configure an air scan channel set that contains all calibration channels. <HUAWEI> system-view [HUAWEI] wlan [HUAWEI-wlan-view] air-scan-profile name test [HUAWEI-wlan-air-...
Get customized support, access to DIY videos and FAQs, or schedule a callback request to connect with an expert. Scan to access WhatsApp WhatsApp Us for services related interaction. Languages offered : English/ हिन्दी/ తెలుగు/ தமிழ் ...
Set-SCVPNConnection [-VMMServer <ServerConnection>] [-VPNConnection] <VPNConnection> [-Name <String>] [-Description <String>] [-TargetIPv4VPNAddress <String>] [-TargetIPv6VPNAddress <String>] [-EncryptionMethod <VPNEncryptionMethod>] [-IntegrityCheckMethod <VPNIntegrityCheckMethod>] [-CipherTran...
设置允许在项目空间执行全表扫描操作。 setproject odps.sql.allow.fullscan=true;相关命令 ADD ACCOUNTPROVIDER:为当前项目空间增加RAM账号体系。 USE:进入指定的、具有访问权限的项目空间。 LIST ACCOUNTPROVIDERS:显示当前项目空间支持的账号体系信息。 REMOVE ACCOUNTPROVIDER:删除当前项目空间支持的账号体系信息。
Want to See More? It's All Here 3D AR All-around and Comprehensive Look Click and drag the image to view. Take a closer look from every angle. Use your iOS camera to scan the QR code for an AR preview of Osmo Action 4. Osmo Action Series Product Comparison ...
qa.scanCode 震动 qa.vibrateShort qa.vibrateLong 系统音量 qa.setVolumeMediaValue qa.getVolumeMediaValue 桌面图标 日历 qa.insertCalendar qa.addPhoneCalendar(1106+) qa.addPhoneRepeatCalendar(1106+) 安全 密码算法 qa.cipherAES qa.cipherRSA qa.getRandomValues 第三...