1.Windows Defender防病毒软件 (Windows Defender Antivirus) Windows 10 自带 Windows Defender 防病毒软件。你可以在“设置”中选择“更新和安全”,然后点击“Windows 安全”来管理防病毒设置。 2. 防火墙设置 (FirewallSettings) 在“Windows 安全”中,选择“防火墙和网络保护”。你可以查看和管理防火墙的状态,确保...
从列表中选择你想要设置为默认的浏览器 (Select the browser you want to set as default from the list)。 关闭设置窗口,新的默认浏览器设置将自动保存 (Close the Settings window, and the new default browser setting will be saved automatically)。 2.2 通过控制面板设置 (Setting through Control Panel) ...
Set-CMWindows10EditionUpgrade [-Description <String>] -Id <Int32> [-NewName <String>] [-PassThru] [-DisableWildcardHandling] [-ForceWildcardHandling] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell Copia Set-CMWindows10EditionUpgrade [-Description <String>] -InputObject <IResultObject...
1. Open Windows Settings Use shortcut keyswin+ito open windows settings. 2. Click on Apps to enter the details page Click the Apps option from Windows Settings. Then you can see some options on the left side of the screen. 3. Select the Default apps tab Click to enter the "Default ap...
How do I set which programs Windows uses by default in Windows 10? Additionally, you can use the following steps to set which programs Windows uses by default to open files. Type Control Panel in the search box. Click Control Panel. Click Default Programs. Click Set Default Programs. Choose...
You can set up default order settings in Supply Chain Management to help optimize sales order processing, improve efficiency, maintain consistency, enforce control, and automate routine tasks. Go toAccounts receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parametersand select theShipmentstab. Ex...
Steps to reproduce: Run an alpha snapshot that uses WASAPI by default, on a system running Windows 10 or below (Windows 11 does not exhibit this problem). Set the system to automatically go to sleep in power options if this isn't already done. Wait for the system to enter sleep mode....
別名: PowerManagementSettings Position: Named 預設值: None 必要: True 接受管線輸入: False 接受萬用字元: False-PowerShellExecutionPolicy指定Configuration Manager 如何在遠端電腦上執行 Windows PowerShell 腳本。有效值如下: AllSigned 略過 Restricted 預設值為 Restricted。 當您選取 [受限制] 時,Configuration ...
Target: Set default app for specific file type For instance, I want to set deault app for rar to "7zip", but this cannot be done directly via windows settings, the "7zip" is not listed in the drop-box. So we can also set the default app via command line. ...
Hi, We have a meeting room PC with windows 10 OS joined to domain and we disabled last login history from the system. Users are login to this system by using their account or meeting room public account. Sometimes after the meeting users are