Before you run the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdlet, consider the following items: You must have Write access to virtual directory objects in Active Directory. If you don't have the necessary permissions and you try to run the Set-OwaVirtualDirectory cmdl
Set-CMTSStepDisableBitLocker [-FolderDateTimeOperator <VariableOperatorType>] [-FolderPath <String>] [-FolderTimestamp <DateTime>] -InputObject <IResultObject> [-SetConditionFolder] [-StepName <String>] [-DisableWildcardHandling] [-ForceWildcardHandling] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>...
Import-CMDriver Import-CMDriverPackage Import-CMPackage Import-CMQuery Import-CMSecurityRole Import-CMSoftwareLicense Import-CMTaskSequence Import-CMUserDeviceAffinity Import-CMWirelessProfileConfigurationItem Install-CMClient Install-CMSiteUpdate Invoke-CMAnalyzePackage Invoke-CMBaselineSummarization Invoke-CMClient...
The Linux distributions that you install via WSL are best managed using PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt (CMD). See the WSL command reference guide for a list of basic commands to be familiar with when using WSL.In addition, many commands are interoperable between Windows and Linux. Here ...
报错:Error: JAVA_HOME is incorrectly set. Please update xxx\hadoop-env.cmd JDK 安装在了 C:\Program Files\ 目录下 , 安装目录 Program Files 有空格 , 太坑了 ; 换一个没有空格的 JDK 目录 ; 一、报错信息 安装Hadoop 运行环境 , 完成上述安装步骤后 , 运行 hadoop 命令报错 ; ...
Before you use the key in your Azure key vault for the first time, do an Azure key vault key backup using the Backup-AzureKeyVaultKey PowerShell cmdlet. Whenever you make any changes to the key (for example, adding ACLs, tags, or key attributes), be sure ...
Typecmdin the text box and pressCtrl+Shift+Enterkeyboard shortcut torun the Command Prompt with administrative privileges. In the Command Prompt window, type in the following text code: ipconfig /all When you press the enter key, it will show all the current network configuration. ...
Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 114 Commits misc packaging src .gitignore Install_SetCmd LICENSE README.txt README BSD-2-Clause license
Overview What is Allstar? Allstar is a GitHub App that continuously monitors GitHub organizations or repositories for adherence to security best practices. If Allstar detects a security policy violation, it creates an issue to alert the repository or organization owner. For some security policies, All...
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