include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/main/cpp/include) add_library(libopencv_java3 SHARED IMPORTED ) set_target_properties...IMPORTED_LOCATION "${libs}/...
link_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib) #添加动态连接库的路径 target_link_libraries(project_name -lmxnet ) #添加 1. 2. 静态库的添加: add_library(mxnet STATIC IMPORTED) set_property(TARGET mxnet PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION /path/to/libmxnet.a) target_link_libraries(project_nam...
set_target_properties(mylibrary PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER include/mylibrary.h) 1. 2. 代码解释: set_target_properties(mylibrary PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER include/mylibrary.h):设置动态库的属性,将include/mylibrary.h指定为动态库的头文件。 总结 通过以上的步骤,你可以解决Android CMakeLists中设置动态库找不...
Description This error occurred when I tried to run a CMake project including casbin-cpp on Visual Studio2019. It seems that set_target_properties didn't recognize it after PREFIX was set to empty character, which caused incorrect number...
第一篇文章,记一个困扰了我很长时间的一个cmake的问题吧。 大家在用cmake时,应该经常会用到第三方so库,导入第三方so库中需要使用到set_target_properties,例如这样写: set_target_properties( Thirdlib PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/jniLibs/ ...
set_target_properties 是CMake 构建系统中的一个命令,用于设置目标(如可执行文件、库等)的属性。如果你发现 set_target_properties 不适用于多包装函数(macro),这可能是由于以下几个原因: 原因分析 宏定义问题:在 CMake 中,宏(macro)和函数(function)是两种不同的构造。宏在调用时会直接替换其定义体中的参数,...
this.helpProvider1.HelpNamespace = "mspaint.chm"; // Sets properties for the different address fields. // Address TextBox this.addressTextBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 24); this.addressTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(264, 20); this.addressTextBox.TabIndex = 0; this...
Sets the value of the Control.IsTemplateKeyTipTarget XAML attached property for a target element. C# Copy public static void SetIsTemplateKeyTipTarget(DependencyObject element, bool value); Parameters element DependencyObject The object to which the property value is written. value Boolean The valu...
GetLevel Gets the target set level for the specified skeleton. GetLevelsSorted GetObjectFactory GetPropertySet Returns the set of properties for the SfcInstance object. (从 SfcInstance 继承。) GetType (从 Object 继承。) GetTypeMetadataImpl 标识为仅供参考。 不提供支持。 不保证以后的兼容性。 (从...
You can configure target properties either during or after installation. The operating system on the target system determines which properties can be configured. The target properties determine the actions that can be carried out during a peer-to-peer se