针对你提出的“set_target_properties can not find target to add properties to”的问题,我们可以从以下几个方面进行排查和解决: 确认set_target_properties函数的上下文环境: set_target_properties函数通常用于设置某个目标(target)的属性。这个函数可能是在某个特定的构建系统或框架中定义的,比如CMake。因此,首先需...
# 设置动态库的属性 set_target_properties(mylibrary PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER include/mylibrary.h) 1. 2. 代码解释: set_target_properties(mylibrary PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER include/mylibrary.h):设置动态库的属性,将include/mylibrary.h指定为动态库的头文件。 总结 通过以上的步骤,你可以解决Android CMake...
target_link_libraries(project_name -lmxnet ) #添加libmxnet.so 1. 2. 静态库的添加: add_library(mxnet STATIC IMPORTED) set_property(TARGET mxnet PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION /path/to/libmxnet.a) target_link_libraries(project_name mxnet ) #添加libmxnet.a 1. 2. 3....
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:158 (set_target_properties):set_target_propertiesCan not find target to add properties to: X11::Xau CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:158 (set_target_prope 浏览13提问于2020-12-07得票数 0 1回答 如何在CMake中重命名库文件名? 有些库的文件名遵循不同的约定,比如...
前言 笔者看了一些NDK的项目。一些教程不是HelloWord就是直接整FFmpeg或OpenCV,可谓一个天一个地,而且...
Description This error occurred when I tried to run a CMake project including casbin-cpp on Visual Studio2019. It seems that set_target_properties didn't recognize it after PREFIX was set to empty character, which caused incorrect number...
get_target_property(windeployqt Qt5::qmake IMPORTED_LOCATION) 复制代码 target的名字就是Qt5::qmake,不要被::迷惑,变量名字允许使用:: 定义Qt5::qmake的地方 Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019\lib\cmake\Qt5Core\Qt5CoreConfigExtras.cmake if(NOT DEFINED QT_DEFAULT_MAJOR_VERSION) set(QT_DEFAULT_MAJOR_VERSION...
第一篇文章,记一个困扰了我很长时间的一个cmake的问题吧。 大家在用cmake时,应该经常会用到第三方so库,导入第三方so库中需要使用到set_target_properties,例如这样写: set_target_properties( Thirdlib PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/jniLibs/libThirdlib.so ...
The Set-ADUser cmdlet modifies the properties of an Active Directory user. You can modify commonly used property values by using the cmdlet parameters. You can set property values that are not associated with cmdlet parameters by using the Add, Remove, Replace, and Clear parameters....
For redirection to occur, the target OWA virtual directory must have an ExternalURL value. The default value is Manual. Expand table Type: LegacyRedirectTypeOptions Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: ...