*/protectedfunctioninitLoginForm(){global$rbacsystem, $lng, $ilSetting;include_once"./Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php";$this->form =newilPropertyFormGUI();$this->form->setFormAction($this->ctrl->getFormAction($this,'saveLoginInfo'));$this->form->setTableWidth('80%');...
"""ifsender.getText() =="Set Cookie":# clicked the set cookie buttontext = self.text_area.getText()# print goes to console.logprint"setting cookie to:", text# Note: this sets the cookie on the top levelsetCookie(COOKIE_NAME, text,10000, path="/")else: cookie_text = getCookie(COOKI...
if (![value integerValue]) { textField.text = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%d", *x]; [slider setValue:(float)*x]; } if ([value integerValue]>100) { textField.text = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"255"]; [slider setValue:100.0]; 浏览0提问于2012-09-22得票数 0 1回...
Whether to use the Unicode East Asian Width to calculate the display text width. Enabling this may affect to the performance (default: False) [default: False] [currently: False] display.widthint Width of the display in characters. In case python/IPython is running in a terminal this can be...
cover-img Include a large full-width image at the top of the page. You can either provide the path to a single image (eg. "/path/to/img") , or a list of images to cycle through (eg. ["/path/img1", "/path/img2"]). If you want to add a caption to an image, then you ...
display.html.[border, table_schema, use_mathjax] display.[large_repr] display.latex.[escape, longtable, multicolumn, multicolumn_format, multirow, repr] display.[max_categories, max_columns, max_colwidth, max_info_columns, max_info_rows, max_rows, max_seq_items, memory_usage, min_rows,...
pngtogd2(1) pod2html(1) pod2latex(1) pod2man(1) pod2text(1) pod2usage(1) podchecker(1) podgrep(1) podpath(1) pods(1) podselect(1) podtoc(1) popd(1) ppdc(1) ppdhtml(1) ppdi(1) ppdmerge(1) ppdpo(1) ppgsz(1) ppriv(1) pr(1) pr(1g) praliases(1) prctl(1) ...
You might want to include a table in your \LaTeX document. For this, you use the \texttt{tabular} environment. \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \captionsetup{width=6.0in} \caption{\label{TabExample}\textbf{Sweet example table}} \begin{threeparttable}...
pngtogd(1) pngtogd2(1) pod2html(1) pod2latex(1) pod2man(1) pod2text(1) pod2usage(1) podchecker(1) podgrep(1) podpath(1) pods(1) podselect(1) podtoc(1) popd(1) ppdc(1) ppdhtml(1) ppdi(1) ppdmerge(1) ppdpo(1) ppgsz(1) ppriv(1) pr(1) pr(1g) praliases(1...
path->setText(QDir::currentPath()); completer =newQCompleter(this); completer->setModel(newQDirModel(this)); sampleFile->setCompleter(completer); charCount->setText(QString());if(!customFont.isEmpty()) addCustomFont(customFont); fontChanged(); ...