Specifies the country or region code for the user's language of choice. This parameter sets the Country property of a user object. The LDAP display name (ldapDisplayName) of this property is c. This value is not used by Windows 2000. 展開資料表 Type: String Position: Named Default ...
The name of the language in the current Windows display language. Script (LP database) (READ). The writing system of the language. Input methods (READ/WRITE). A list of input method Tablet Input Panel (TIP) strings that are enabled for this language. The enabled input methods are listed...
Type: SwitchParameter Aliases: wi Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False -名称 指定要配置的 Windows 10 升级策略的名称。 Type: String Aliases: LocalizedDisplayName Position: Named Default value: None Accept pipeline input: False Accept wild...
類型: SwitchParameter 別名: PowerManagementSettings Position: Named 預設值: None 必要: True 接受管線輸入: False 接受萬用字元: False-PowerShellExecutionPolicy指定Configuration Manager 如何在遠端電腦上執行 Windows PowerShell 腳本。有效值如下: AllSigned 略過 Restricted 預設值為 Restricted。 當您選取 [受限...
[-RoomList] [-SamAccountName <String>] [-SendModerationNotifications <TransportModerationNotificationFlags>] [-SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled <Boolean>] [-SimpleDisplayName <String>] [-UMDtmfMap <MultiValuedProperty>] [-UpdateMemberCount] [-WhatIf] [-WindowsEmailAddress <SmtpAddress>] [<Common...
使用MsiProcessMessage 向 Windows Installer 发送消息 在无模式对话框中显示标牌 使用嵌入式 UI 用户界面参考 标准操作 自定义操作 属性 摘要信息流 修补和升级 数据库转换 程序包验证 合并模块 Windows Installer 引导 64 位操作系统上的 Windows Installer ...
The PrimarySmtpAddress parameter updates the primary email address and WindowsEmailAddress property to the same value. Expand table Type: SmtpAddress Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Server 2010, ...
Voice access is a feature in Windows 11 that enables everyone to control their PC and author text using only their voice and without an internet connection. For example, you can open and switch between apps, browse the web, and read and author email using your voice. For more information,...
Voice access is a feature in Windows 11 that enables everyone to control their PC and author text using only their voice and without an internet connection. For example, you can open and switch between apps, browse the web, and read and author email using your voice. For more information,...
Voice access is a feature in Windows 11 that enables everyone to control their PC and author text using only their voice and without an internet connection. For example, you can open and switch between apps, browse the web, and read and author email using your voice. For more information,...