SASreads the descriptor informationof each data set that is named in the SET statement and then creates a program data vector that contains all the variables from all data sets as well asvariables created by the DATA step. 2:SAS reads the first observation from the first data set into the ...
SAS dataset 有很多针对数据集的选项(option),这些选项都有同名的 statement. 常见的有: options 和 statement 的功能和使用方法几乎一致,区别在于:statement 只能在 DATA step 中使用;options 在 DATA / PROC step 中都可以使用,既可以用于 read-in data 也可以用于 write-in data, 写法统一是DATA=dataset (opti...
sas程序内部执⾏的过程如下:1:编译阶段 SAS reads the descriptor information of each data set that is named in the SET statement and then creates a program data vector that contains all the variables from all data sets as well as variables created by the DATA step.2:SAS reads the first ...
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Well, 0 is false so the SET statement never executes. You would get the same result by coding: if 5=4 then set abc; However, the statement still has an effect over the results of the DATA step. SAS executes DATA steps in two phases. During the first phase, it looks through all the...
set sashelp.class; run;This is reproduced from SAS documentation :data drugxyz; set trial5(keep=sample); if sample > 2; set trial5; run;Regards0 Likes 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Tom Super User Re: SET STATEMENT Posted 10-24-2012 04:14 PM (1873 views) | In reply to robertrao 955 pro...
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In merging data, the POINT option can be used to combine data sets in ways that exceeds the ability of the MERGE statement. When doing repetitive tasks with a macro, use of the POINT option can limit the number of macro variables. In general, the POINT option on the SET statement is a...