也只有在用default_sequence的方式启动seq的时候,start_phase != null,原因是如果是sqr的时候在uvm_task_phase.svh里面有介绍,会自己调用start_phase_sequence,里面会对seq.set_starting_phase(phase);进行set。 前提 对应uvm1.2版本, 或者是my_seq.set_automatic_phase_objection(1); 在start_phase_sequence里面已...
1.在sequence中可以使用starting_phase来控制验证平台的关闭; 但是starting_phase需要不是null. 注1:将sequence作为sequencer的某动态运行phase的default sequence时,其starting_phase不为null. 注2:其他方式启动sequence时(比如采用uvm_do宏启动),此sequence中的starting_phase是null,需要手动为其starting_phase赋值(把父s...
Set-CMTaskSequencePhase -PhasedDeploymentName "myPhasedDeployment" -Name "phase1" -UserNotification HideAll -SoftwareInstallation $true -AllowSystemRestart $true -WriteFilterCommit $false -PreDownload $true -Comments "phase 1 comment" -DeploymentOption DownloadAllContentLocallyBeforeStartingTaskSequence -Al...
phase: rewritecategory: ndk_set_var_valueWhen taking two arguments, this directive will unescape the value of the second argument <src> as a URI component and assign the result into the first argument, variable $dst. For example,location /test { set_unescape_uri $key $arg_key; echo $key...
add the phase back to n. if rounding caused a positive number to become negative, set n to the positive round value closest to 0. if rounding caused a negative number of become positive, set n to the negative round value closest to 0. the period parameters can have values of 1/2 pixe...
[55]. Recent studies on the principles of phase separation have revealed a surprising complexity of 3D chromatin dynamics, which are currently challenging to study[56]. New NGS methods such as Hi-C[5]assess genome-wide chromatin interactions and should be considered when assigning peaks to their...
RequirementValue Minimum supported client Available starting with Windows 2000. Target Platform Desktop Header wdm.h (include Wdm.h, Ntddk.h, Ntifs.h) IRQL Any levelSee alsoIO_STACK_LOCATIONIoAllocateIrpIoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequestIoBuildDeviceIoControlRequestIo...
Logs and dumps DebugLogs : Starting phase REQUEST_BODY. (SecRules 2) Multipart: Boundary: ---XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Multipart: Added part header "Content-Disposition" "form-data; name="file"; filename="logo.jpg"". Multipart: Added part header "Content...
In this exploratory eye tracking study, gaze behavior during an experiment on electrolysis of a zinc iodide solution has been examined. The experiment is designed according to inquiry-based learning and therefore well suited to students’ self-directed e