对于数据库的操作,经常需要暂时停止对bin-log日志的写入,那就需要这个命令:set sql_log_bin=on/off 参考:dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/set-sql-log-bin.html SET sql_log_bin Syntax SET sql_log_bin = {0|1} Thesql_log_binvariable controls whether logging to the binary log is don...
对于数据库的操作,经常需要暂时停止对bin-log日志的写入,那就需要这个命令:set sql_log_bin=on/off SET sql_log_bin Syntax SET sql_log_bin = {0|1} 1. The sql_log_bin variable controls whether logging to the binary log is done. The default value is 1 (do logging... SET sql_log_bin Statement SET sql_log_bin = {OFF|ON} The sql_log_bin variable controls whether logging to the binary log is enabled for the current session (assuming that the binary log itself is enabled). The default value is ON. To disable or enable binary logging for the... SET sql_log_bin Statement SET sql_log_bin = {OFF|ON} The sql_log_bin variable controls whether logging to the binary log is enabled for the current session (assuming that the binary log itself is enabled). The default value is ON. To disable or enable binary logging for the...
log_throttle_queries_not_using_indexes 该参数决定每分钟记录未使用索引的SQL的数量上限,因为未使用索引的SQL可能会非常多,导致慢日志空间增长飞快。 log_slow_slave_statements 该参数在从库上设置,决定是否记录在复制过程中超过long_query_time的SQL,如果binlog格式是row,则即使开启了该参数,也不会记录相关SQL。
当然也可以使用--set-gtid-purged=OFF 选项来告诉mysqldump我不需要设置SQL_LOG_BIN =0和gtid_purged变量,但是初始化搭建主从的时候一定不要设置为OFF。--set-gtid-purged[=name] Add'SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED'to the output. Possible valuesforthis option are ON, OFF and AUTO. If ON is ...
OFF 不自动删除数据库上缺失的索引。 FORCE_LAST_GOOD_PLAN = { DEFAULT | ON | OFF } 启用或禁用FORCE_LAST_GOOD_PLAN的自动计划校正 选项。 可以在 Azure 门户中或在 sys.database_automatic_tuning_options 视图中通过 T-SQL 查看此选项的状态。 DEFAULT 从服务器继承默认设置。 本例...
登录密码错误 磁盘空间满导致自动增量备份失败 RDS实例恢复到指定时间点失败 怎么解决执行mysqldump出现SET @@SESSION.SQL_LOG_BIN等SQL的问题 mysqldump导出数据报错权限不足 MySQL表级时间点恢复时提示密钥失效或已删除 主备复制 参数类 性能资源类 SQL类 连接类 其他使用问题 RDS for PostgreSQL RDS for SQL Server...
SetOnOffStatement SetOptions SetRowCountStatement SetSearchPropertyListAlterFullTextIndexAction SetStatisticsOptions SetStatisticsStatement SetStopListAlterFullTextIndexAction SetTextSizeStatement SetTransactionIsolationLevelStatement SetUserStatement SetVariableStatement ShutdownStatement SignableElementKind SignatureStatement...
Database mirroring requires AUTO_CLOSE OFF. When the database is set to AUTOCLOSE = ON, an operation that initiates an automatic database shutdown clears the plan cache for the instance of SQL Server. Clearing the plan cache causes a recompilation of all subsequent execution plans and can cau...