需要通过RdbStore.query()获取resultSet对象。 import dataRdb from '@ohos.data.rdb'; let predicates = new dataRdb.RdbPredicates("EMPLOYEE"); predicates.equalTo("AGE", 18); let promise = rdbStore.query(predicates, ["ID", "NAME", "AGE", "SALARY", "CODES"]); promise...
需要通过RdbStore.query()获取resultSet对象。 import dataRdb from '@ohos.data.rdb'; let predicates = new dataRdb.RdbPredicates("EMPLOYEE"); predicates.equalTo("AGE", 18); let promise = rdbStore.query(predicates, ["ID", "NAME", "AGE", "SALARY", "CODES"]); promise.then(...
Set-CauClusterRole[-UseDefault] [-StartDate <DateTime>] [-DaysOfWeek <Weekdays>] [-IntervalWeeks <Int32>] [-CauPluginName <String[]>] [-CauPluginArguments <Hashtable[]>] [-MaxFailedNodes <Int32>] [-MaxRetriesPerNode <Int32>] [-NodeOrder <String[]>] [-PreUpdateScript <String>] [-...
pgpool 日志 set session as transaction read only 苹果日志resetcounter重启代码,1,intooutfile生成sql:一般都是生成文本或者其他形式的文件,现在需要生成sql形式的文件。selectconcat('insertintotab_name(col1,col2,col3)values(',col1,',','\'',col2,'\'',',','\''
If you need to query the MaxCompute system variables that are configured for the current session, you can view them in the SourceXML of LogView. For more information, see Use LogView 2.0 to view job running information. Examples -- Set the size of data read by each Mapper to 256 MB....
BYTE Y = BYTE(max(min(1.0, Upper), 0.0) * 255.0) 請注意,值會限制在乘以 255 之前的範圍從零到一。 驅動程式會報告其支援透過GetVideoProcessorCaps函式傳回之D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_CAPS結構中輸入數據流的立體 Alpha 混合功能。 如果驅動程式支援D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCE...
指示着色速率的D3D12DDI_SHADING_RATE_0062枚举。 Combiners 指向指示组合着色速率的D3D12DDI_SHADING_RATE_COMBINER_0062枚举的指针。 返回值 无 备注 着色速率和(可选)组合器通过命令列表方法指定。 要求 要求值 最低受支持的客户端Windows 10 版本 1903 ...
Commerciële Stage (MBO Niveau 3-4) Hopprofielen Set Decorator Job In Nederland, TX Beschrijving This cookie is used to get orsetthe session id for the current session. Beschrijving No description available. Beschrijving No description available. Beschrijving Description is currently not av...
You need to make line 224 be something like count = max(0, count - offset). Fix that and add a test and we're good to go, I think. comment:15 by Chris Beaven, 18年 ago Maybe I'm not following, but you can't slice a count() result as it does not return a QuerySet. It...