protocol_buffers_python_implementation 是一个环境变量,用于指定在Python中使用Protocol Buffers时的实现方式。Protocol Buffers(简称Protobuf)是Google开发的一种语言中立、平台中立、可扩展的序列化结构数据的方法,它类似于XML,但更小、更快、更简单。在Python中,Protocol Buffers提供了两种实现方式:一种是纯Python实现,...
The following arguments specify the sender's behavior and determine the parameters for the protocol. In our CLI implementation the sender always chooses the parameters and the receiver obtains them through a parameter request. Note that in other applications the receiver may already know the ...
Implementation status The official Arrow libraries in this repository are in different stages of implementing the Arrow format and related features. See our current feature matrix on git main. How to Contribute Please read our latest project contribution guide. Getting involved Even if you do not pl...
dictAddtakes the dictionary hash table, key, and value as arguments. It uses_dictKeyIndexto find the index of a free slot in the hash table for our new entry. See the implementation indict.canddict.hfor the details of key hashing, and the structure of the dictionary and its component ha...