Open the database table in the Design view, select Design option by right clicking the table name from the database as shown below. This opens up the table in design view. Now keep the mouse cursor on the column name whichneeds to be specified as primary key and click on Set Primary ...
適用於:SQL Server (從 SQL Server 2019 (15.x) 開始) 啟用加速資料庫復原 (ADR)。 ADR 預設會在 SQL Server 2019 (15.x) 和更新版本中設定為 OFF。 藉由使用此語法,您可以指定永續性版本存放區 (PVS) 資料的特定檔案群組。 如果未指定檔案群組,PVS 會使用 PRIMARY 檔案群組。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 管...
6 PRIMARY KEY (`id`) 7 ) 8 9 INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (1, 'name', 'daodao,xiaohu,xiaoqin'); 10 INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (2, 'name2', 'xiaohu,daodao,xiaoqin'); 11 INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (3, 'name3', 'xiaoqin,daodao,xiaohu'); test1:sql = select * from `test` w...
selectFIND_IN_SET('2','1,2'); 返回2 selectFIND_IN_SET('6','1'); 返回0 一、find_in_set()和in的区别: 弄个测试表来说明两者的区别 CREATETABLE`test_findinset` ( `id`int(8)NOTNULLauto_increment, `name`varchar(255)NOTNULL, `list`varchar(255)NOTNULL, PRIMARYKEY(`id`) ); INSERT...
[INIT:初始化 SUCCESS:成功 FAILURE:失败]', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- 枚举值如果有重复,严格SQL模式下会报错,非严格模式下会可执行但有警告 CREATE TABLE `test4` ( `id` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT '主键', `status` enum('...
Collation 属性 ComputedColumnInfo 属性 DefaultValue 属性 IdentityColumnInfo 属性 InPrimaryKey 属性 IsColumnSet 属性 IsSparse 属性 Parent 属性 RowGuidCol 属性 Learn 早期版本 SQL SQL Server 2008 R2 IColumn 接口 IColumn 属性 早期版本 SQL SQL Server 2008 R2 IColumn 接口 IColumn 属性 ...
SQL CREATETABLEdbo.Tool (IDINTIDENTITYNOTNULLPRIMARYKEY,NameVARCHAR(40)NOTNULL); GO 將值插入 products 數據表。 SQL INSERTINTOdbo.Tool (Name)VALUES('Screwdriver'), ('Hammer'), ('Saw'), ('Shovel'); GO 在識別值中建立間距。 SQL DELETEdbo.ToolWHEREName='Saw'; GOSELECT*FROMdbo.Tool; GO ...
PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; insert into stu values(100,'sam','0',90,88,83); insert into stu values(101,'jhon','1',97,82,81); insert into stu values(102,'mary','2',87,89,92); insert into stu values(103,'adam','2',87,89,92); ...
This is a faster operation than an in-place conversion, but might become a challenge when handling complex schemas with dependencies such as Foreign Key constraints, Primary Key constraints, and Triggers. It would also require a final data synchronization between the original and the new table ...
SQL USEAdventureWorks2022; GO-- Create tool table.CREATETABLEdbo.Tool(IDINTIDENTITYNOTNULLPRIMARYKEY,NameVARCHAR(40)NOTNULL); GO-- Inserting values into products table.INSERTINTOdbo.Tool(Name)VALUES('Screwdriver') , ('Hammer') , ('Saw') , ('Shovel'); GO-- Create a gap in the identity...