Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 4/8/2010 This function sets the playback rate of a waveform output device. Syntax MMRESULT waveOutSetPlaybackRate( HWAVEOUT hwo, DWORD dwRate ); Parameters hwo Handle to the waveform-audio output device. dwRate ...
This message is used in an MMDRV_MESSAGE_PARAMS structure passed to the WAV_IOControl function to request a waveform output driver to set the playback rate multiplier value for the specified device.ParametersuDeviceId Device identifier — 0, 1, 2, and so on — for the target device. uMsg...
Click the playback device you want to use from the menu. Windows will then switch to it. 2] Change Default Sound Output Device via Settings app To change Default Sound Output Device via Settings app in Windows 10, do the following: Press theWindows key + Ito open Settings. Tap or click...
waveOutSetPlaybackRate (Windows CE 5.0) 發行項 2012/09/14 Send FeedbackThis function sets the playback rate of a waveform output device.複製 MMRESULT waveOutSetPlaybackRate(HWAVEOUThwo,DWORDdwRate ); Parametershwo Handle to the waveform-audio output device. dwRate Specifies a new playback ...
waveOutSetPlaybackRate Article 12/10/2007 The waveOutSetPlaybackRate function sets the playback rate for the specified waveform-audio output device.Copy MMRESULT waveOutSetPlaybackRate( HWAVEOUT hwo, DWORD dwRate ); ParametershwoHandle to the waveform-audio output device.dwRate...
Important:If your audio device isn't listed when you're installing drivers, you need to install the software for your audio device. Here are some tips: For Windows 10:Fix sound problems For Windows 8.1:Update drivers For Windows 7:
Important:If your audio device isn't listed when you're installing drivers, you need to install the software for your audio device. Here are some tips: For Windows 10:Fix sound problems For Windows 8.1:Update drivers For Windows 7:Update drivers...
Important:If your audio device isn't listed when you're installing drivers, you need to install the software for your audio device. Here are some tips: For Windows 10:Fix sound problems For Windows 8.1:Update drivers For Windows 7:Update drivers...
This function sets the playback rate of a waveform output device.Copy MMRESULT waveOutSetPlaybackRate(HWAVEOUThwo,DWORDdwRate ); Parametershwo Handle to the waveform-audio output device. dwRate Specifies a new playback rate setting. This setting is a multiplier indicating the current change in...
First, go ahead and download the app from the Windows Store. Alternatively, you can get it from this GitHub link. Once you have downloaded it, launch the app on your device and set it up. The app tries to emulate the sun’s position to change your wallpaper accordingly. You can either...