set pf-status是用来设置ALV或者SCREEN中的状态栏的,包括:菜单栏、工具栏的;'FLIGHT'是状态栏的名字,需要在应用程序下创建自己的状态栏或者使用标准的状态栏即可,状态栏如下图;
subsequentscreen layouts. The components of the set status are active in the user interface from the next time a screen layout is sent, and remain active until the end of the program or until the nextSET PF-STATUSstatement. The name of the current GUI status can be read from the system ...
可能有2种可能,一种就如前面所说的,SET PF-STATUS 'SET_PF1'. 这个语句之后的'SET_PF1' 没有定义。还有另一种可能就是调用ALV输出的时候,是否用的是CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'如果是的话,看是否有下面这条i_callback_pf_status_set = 'SET_PF1' 。也可能是这里没定义,...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, SET PF-STATUS is used for defining your own menu.. Check this example for using SET PF-STATUS in reports.. DATA: BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0, check, value(20), END OF itab. SET PF-STATUS 'TEST1'. itab-value = 'ETSAT'. APPEND itab. itab-...
SET PF-STATUS 'TEST' EXCLUDING fcode. ENDIF. WRITE: 'User-Command, SY-LSIND:', sy-lsind, / ' SY-UCOMM:', sy-ucomm, / ' SY-PFKEY:', sy-pfkey. reward if helpful raam Reply Former Member 2008 Apr 24 8:05 AM 0 Kudos 3,580 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, ...
ooalv 标准的按钮 是没有这个保存按钮的,你可以见一个类 实现它的 HANDLE_TOOLBAR 事件,然后debug该事件,进去看CL_ALV_EVENT_TOOLBAR_SET-》MT_TOOLBAR,这个内表中存了所有的标准按钮,内表中是没有保存按钮的。你可以将你要的按钮加到这个内表中就可以了!
SET PF-STATUS 'ABC' . "For GUI status i.e Menu bar, App toolbar SET TITLEBAR 'T1'. "For Titlebar. Reward if Helpful. Reply Former Member 2007 Sep 27 11:53 AM 0 Kudos 355 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hI SET PF-STATUS WILL BE USED WHERE YOU WANT TO APPLY THA...
ABAP Development HI ALL, My requirement is i have to set my own pf-staus. when i am using the function module RS_SET_SELSCREEN_STATUS it is not showing any pf-stus here. i am sending code below. nay body can change the code and resend it to me. ...
gs_grid-edt_cll_cb = abap_true. " 选中复选款,立刻触发data changed 事件 CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_LVC' EXPORTING i_callback_program = sy-repid "回调程序 i_callback_pf_status_set = 'SET_PF_STATUS' i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND' ...
ABAP Development Hi Suresh, Events can pass to ALV Fm in two ways. Either directly or by built an internal table for events. In both the cases we have to declare routine for events. In that event declare set pf-status 'XXX'. Prepare that menu painter. ...