set pf-status是用来设置ALV或者SCREEN中的状态栏的,包括:菜单栏、工具栏的;'FLIGHT'是状态栏的名字,需要在应用程序下创建自己的状态栏或者使用标准的状态栏即可,状态栏如下图;
set pf-status是用来设置ALV或者SCREEN中的状态栏的;复制源程序需要注意要把程序里的Include也复制成Z开头的include才行。如果还是解决不了问题,那就要debug跟踪具体原因了。
subsequentscreen layouts. The components of the set status are active in the user interface from the next time a screen layout is sent, and remain active until the end of the program or until the nextSET PF-STATUSstatement. The name of the current GUI status can be read from the system ...
SET PF-STATUS 'TEST'. WRITE: 'PF-Status:', sy-pfkey. AT LINE-SELECTION. IF sy-lsind = 20. SET PF-STATUS 'TEST' EXCLUDING fcode. ENDIF. WRITE: 'Line-Selection, SY-LSIND:', sy-lsind, / ' SY-PFKEY:', sy-pfkey. AT USER-COMMAND. IF sy-lsind = 20. SET PF-STATUS 'TEST' EXCL...
ALV Buttons are you talking about or Application toolbar buttons For ALV Buttons you have to SET_TOOLBAR event. for Appliction toolbar buttons You have to work with setting the PF-Status using the PBO of the ALV screen. Which one you are looking for can you let me know exactly...?
SET PF-STATUS 'SET_PF1'. 这个语句之后的'SET_PF1' 没有定义。还有另一种可能就是调用ALV输出的时候,是否用的是CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'如果是的话,看是否有下面这条i_callback_pf_status_set = 'SET_PF1' 。也可能是这里没定义,可以将其注释掉即可~~...
A status remains valid for the duration of a transaction or until you set a new status. Note You can use a namespace prefix with status names. Example Event in program: START-OF-SELECTION. SET PF-STATUS 'MAIN'. WRITE SY-PFKEY. AT USER-COMMAND. CASE SY-UCOMM. WHEN '...
Solved: HI ALL, My requirement is i have to set my own pf-staus. when i am using the function module RS_SET_SELSCREEN_STATUS it is not showing any pf-stus here. i am
SET PF-STATUS '100'. * SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'. DATA:F_NUM TYPE I. F_NUM = 100000001. REFRESH IT_LIST. "勿忘 DO 10 TIMES. *F_NUM = F_NUM + 1. WA_LIST-KEY = '100000000'. *F_NUM = F_NUM + 1. WA_LIST-TEXT = 'A'. ...
i_callback_pf_status_set = 'SET_PF_STATUS' i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND' i_grid_settings = gs_grid is_layout_lvc = wa_layout it_fieldcat_lvc = gt_fieldcat "需要显示的内表的列 i_save = 'A' it_events = gt_event ...