Applies To: Windows PowerShell 2.0Sets the value of a variable. Creates the variable if one with the requested name does not exist.SyntaxCopy Set-Variable [-Name] <string[]> [[-Value] <Object>] [-Description <string>] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Force] [-Include <string[]>] [-Optio...
可以通过管道将表示变量的值的对象传递给此 cmdlet。 输出 None 默认情况下,此 cmdlet 不返回任何输出。 PSVariable 使用PassThru参数时,此 cmdlet 将返回表示新变量或更改的PSVariable对象。 备注 Windows PowerShell 包含以下Set-Variable别名: set sv
In the terminal window, you can choose any shell that's installed on your system. For example, you can choose Git Bash, or PowerShell, or another shell. Here you'll use Git Bash, part of Git for Windows, which makes it easy to run Git commands. Note On Windows, if you don't see...
可以在 PowerShell 命令行上查看输入哈希表名称的键和值,$PSReadLineOptions。 示例4:设置多个颜色选项 此示例演示如何在单个命令中设置多个颜色值。 PowerShell Set-PSReadLineOption-Colors@{ Command ='Magenta'Number ='DarkGray'Member ='DarkGray'Operator ='DarkGray'Type ='DarkGray'Variable ='DarkGreen'Pa...
一、PowerShell中设置变量的方法 在PowerShell中,可以使用set命令来设置变量。set命令的语法如下: ``` Set-Variable [-Name] <string> [-Value <Object>] [-Option <ScopedItemOptions>] [-Force] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] ``` 其中,-Name参数用于指定变量的名称,-Value参数用于指定变量...
PowerShell $DscGetParameters= @{ Name ='Service'ModuleName ='PSDscResources'Method ='Get'Property = @{ Name ='Spooler'} }Invoke-DscResource@DscGetParameters 出力コピー Name Value --- --- State Running Path C:\Windows\System32\spoolsv.exe StartupType Automatic Name Spooler BuiltInAccount...
有人忘记在版本5.x (随Windows10一起提供)中编写和/或发布Set-Clipboard的文档,而 ...
20+Set-ExecutionPolicy<<< restricted PS>Get-ChildItem-PathHKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds Name Property --- --- Microsoft.PowerShell Path : C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe ExecutionPolicy...
Applies To: Windows PowerShell 2.0 Creates or changes the value of a property of an item. Syntax Copy Set-ItemProperty [-LiteralPath] <string[]> -InputObject <psobject> [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Filter <string>] [-Force] [-Include <string[]>] [-PassThru]...
这篇文章将带你详细了解在 Windows 中设置环境变量的三种方式:CMD,PowerShell,以及如何永久设置环境变量...